GATE ME 2014 Set 4
Demand during lead time with associated probabilities is shown below:

Expected demand during lead time is ___________
Your input ____
GATE ME 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The word Kanban is most appropriately associated with
GATE ME 2002
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
An item can be purchased for Rs.$$100.$$ The ordering cost is Rs.$$200$$ and the inventory carrying cost is $$10\% $$ of the item cost per annum. If the annual demand is 4000 units, the economic order quantity (in units) is
GATE ME 1998
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
One of the following statements about $$PRS$$ (Periodic Reordering System) is not true. Identify.
Questions Asked from Inventory Control (Marks 1)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Design
Fluid Mechanics
Turbo Machinery
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
General Aptitude