Two identical moving coil galvanometers have 10$$\Omega $$ resistance and full scale deflection at 2$$\mu $$A current. One of them is converted into a voltmeter of 100 mV full scale reading and the other into an ammeter of 1 mA full scale current using appropriate resistors. These are then used to measure the voltage and current in the Ohm's law experiment with R = 1000$$\Omega $$ resistor by using an ideal cell. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
The resistance of the voltmeter will be 100 k$$\Omega $$.
The resistance of the ammeter will be 0.02 $$\Omega $$
(round off to 2nd decimal place).
If the ideal cell is replaced by a cell having internal resistance of 5$$\Omega $$ then the measured value of R will be more than 1000$$\Omega $$.
The measured value of R will be 978$$\Omega $$ < R < 982$$\Omega $$.
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1 Offline
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
Let us consider a system of units in which mass and angular momentum are dimensionless. If length has dimension of L, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
The dimension of force is [L]-3
The dimension of power is [L]-5
The dimension of energy is [L]-2
The dimension of linear momentum is [L]-1
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1 Offline
A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C has spacing d between two plates having area A. The region between the plates is filled with N dielectric layers, parallel to its plates, each with thickness, $$\delta = {d \over N}$$. The dielectric constant of the mth layer is $${K_m} = K\left( {1 + {m \over N}} \right)$$. For a very large N(>103), the capacitance C is $$\alpha \left( {{{K{\varepsilon _0}A} \over {d\ln 2}}} \right)$$
The value of $$\alpha $$ will be ..................
[$$ \in $$0 is the permittivity of free space.]
Your input ____
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1 Offline
A planar structure of length L and width W is made of two different optical media of refractive indices n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.44 as shown in figure. If L >> W, a ray entering from end AB will emerge from end CD. CD only if the total internal reflection condition is met inside the structure. For L = 9.6 m, if the incident angle $$\theta $$ is varied, the maximum time taken by a ray to exit the plane CD is t $$ \times $$ 10-9 s, where, t is ................