The inductors of two LR circuits are placed next to each other, as shown in the figure. The values of the self-inductance of the inductors, resistors, mutual-inductance and applied voltages are specified in the given circuit. After both the switches are closed simultaneously, the total work done by the batteries against the induced EMF in the inductors by the time the currents reach their steady state values is _________ mJ.
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JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 2 Offline
A 10 cm long perfectly conducting wire PQ is moving with a velocity I cm/s on a pair of horizontal rails of zero resistance. One side of the rails is connected to an inductor L = 1 mH and a resistance R = 1$$\Omega $$ as shown in figure. The horizontal rails, L and R lie in the same plane with a uniform magnetic field B = 1 T perpendicular to the plane. If the key S is closed at certain instant, the current in the circuit after 1 millisecond is x $$ \times $$ 10-3 A, where the value of x is ...........
[Assume the velocity of wire PQ remains constant (1 cm/s) after key S is closed. Given e-1 = 0.37, where e is base of the natural logarithm]
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JEE Advanced 2016 Paper 1 Offline
Two inductors L1 (inductance 1mH, internal resistance 3$$\Omega$$) and L2 (inductance 2 mH, internal resistance 4$$\Omega$$), and a resistor R (resistance 12$$\Omega$$) are all connected in parallel across a 5V battery. The circuit is switched on at time t = 0. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum current (Imax / Imin) drawn from the battery is
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IIT-JEE 2012 Paper 1 Offline
A circular wire loop of radius R is placed in the xy plane centred at the origin O. A square loop of side a(a << R) having two turns is placed with its centre at z = $$\sqrt3$$R along the axis of the circular wire loop, as shown in the figure. The plane of the square loop makes an angle of 45$$^\circ$$ with respect to z-axis. If the mutual inductance between the loops is given by $${{{\mu _0}{a^2}} \over {{2^{p/2}}R}}$$, then the value of p is ___________.