JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 1 Offline
A uniform circular disc of mass 1.5 kg and radius 0.5 m is initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. Three forces of equal magnitude F = 0.5 N are applied simultaneously along the three sides of an equilateral triangle XYZ with its vertices on the perimeter of the disc (see figure). One second after applying the forces, the angular speed of the disc in rad s-1 is

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JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 1 Offline

A horizontal circular platform of radius 0.5 m and mass 0.45 kg is free to rotate about its axis. Two massless spring toy-guns, each carrying a steel ball of mass 0.05 kg are attached to the platform at a distance 0.25 m from the centre on its either sides along its diameter (see figure). Each gun simultaneously fires the balls horizontally and perpendicular to the diameter in opposite directions. After leaving the platform, the balls have horizontal speed of 9 ms-1 with respect to the ground. The rotational speed of the platform in rad s-1 after the balls leave the platform is
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JEE Advanced 2013 Paper 1 Offline
A uniform circular disc of mass 50 kg and radius 0.4 m is rotating with an angular velocity of 10 rad s-1
about its own axis, which is vertical. Two uniform circular rings, each of mass 6.25 kg and radius 0.2 m,
are gently placed symmetrically on the disc in such a manner that they are touching each other along the
axis of the disc and are horizontal. Assume that the friction is large enough such that the rings are at rest
relative to the disc and the system rotates about the original axis. The new angular velocity (in rad s-1
) of the system is
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IIT-JEE 2011 Paper 1 Offline
Four solid spheres each of diameter $$\sqrt 5 $$ cm and mass 0.5 kg are placed with their centers at the corners of a square of side 4 cm. The moment of inertia of the system about the diagonal of the square is N $$ \times $$ 10−4 kg-m2, then N is
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Questions Asked from Rotational Motion (Numerical)
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JEE Advanced Subjects
Units & Measurements Motion Laws of Motion Work Power & Energy Impulse & Momentum Rotational Motion Properties of Matter Heat and Thermodynamics Simple Harmonic Motion Waves Gravitation
Electrostatics Current Electricity Capacitor Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves
Modern Physics
Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Structure of Atom Redox Reactions Gaseous State Chemical Equilibrium Ionic Equilibrium Solutions Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry Solid State Surface Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table & Periodicity Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure Isolation of Elements Hydrogen s-Block Elements p-Block Elements d and f Block Elements Coordination Compounds Salt Analysis
Organic Chemistry
Quadratic Equation and Inequalities Sequences and Series Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem Matrices and Determinants Permutations and Combinations Probability Vector Algebra 3D Geometry Statistics Complex Numbers
Coordinate Geometry