GATE ME 2015 Set 2
A manufacturer has the following data regarding a product:
Fixed cost per month $$=$$ Rs. $$50,000$$
Variable cost per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$200$$
Selling price per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$300$$
Production capacity $$=$$ $$1500$$ units per month
Fixed cost per month $$=$$ Rs. $$50,000$$
Variable cost per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$200$$
Selling price per unit $$=$$ Rs. $$300$$
Production capacity $$=$$ $$1500$$ units per month
If the production is carried out at $$80\% $$ of the rated capacity, then the monthly profit (in Rs.) is ______________
Your input ____
GATE ME 2007
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Capacities of production of an item over $$3$$ consecutive months in regular time are $$100,$$ $$100$$ and $$80$$ and in overtime are $$20,$$ $$20$$ and $$40.$$ The demands over those $$3$$ months are $$90,$$ $$130$$ and $$110.$$ The cost of production in regular time and overtime are respectively Rs. $$20$$ per item and Rs. $$24$$ per item. Inventory carrying cost is Rs. $$2$$ per item per month. The levels of starting and final inventory are nil. Backorder is not permitted. For minimum cost of plan, the level of planned production in overtime in the third month is
GATE ME 1995

Questions Asked from Production Planning and Control (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude