JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1 Offline
Paper was held on Sat, May 19, 2018 9:00 PM
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The compounds(s) which generate(s) $${N_2}$$ gas upon thermal decomposition below $${300^ \circ }C$$ is (are)
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The correct statement(s) regarding the binary transition metal carbonyl compounds is(are) (Atomic numbers : $$Fe = 26,Ni
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Consider an ionic solid $$MX$$ with $$NaCl$$ structure. Construct a new structure $$(Z)$$ whose unit cell is constructed
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Among the species given below, the total number of diamagnetic species is _____________. $$H$$ atom, $$N{O_2}$$ monomer,
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The ammonia prepared by treating ammonium sulphate with calcium hydroxide is completely used by $$NiCl{}_2.6{H_2}O$$ to
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For the electrochemical cell, $$\left. {Mg\left( s \right)} \right|M{g^{2 + }}\left( {aq,1\,M} \right)\left\| {C{u^{2 +
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Based on the compounds of group $$15$$ elements, the correct statement(s) is (are)
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The reaction (s) leading to the formation of $$1,3,5$$-trimethylbenzene is (are)
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In the following reaction sequence, the correct structure(s) of $$X$$ is (are)
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A reversible cyclic process for an ideal gas is shown below. Here, $$P, V,$$ and $$T$$ are pressure, volume and temperat
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Liquids A and B form ideal solution over the entire range of composition. At temperature $$T,$$ equimolar binary soluti
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The solubility of a salt of weak acid $$(AB)$$ at $$pH\,$$ $$3$$ is $$Y \times {10^{ - 3}}$$ $$mol\,{L^{ - 1}}.$$ The v
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A closed tank has two compartments $$A$$ and $$B,$$ both filled with oxygen (assumed to be ideal gas). The partition sep
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The plot given below shows $$P-T$$ curves (where $$P$$ is the pressure and $$T$$ is the temperature) for two solvents $$
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An organic acid P $$\left( {{C_{11}}{H_{12}}{O_2}} \right)$$ can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with
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The compound $$Y$$ is
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An organic acid P $$\left( {{C_{11}}{H_{12}}{O_2}} \right)$$ can easily be oxidized to a dibasic acid which reacts with
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The compound $$Z$$ is
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For a non-zero complex number z, let arg(z) denote the principal argument with $$-$$ $$\pi $$ < arg(z) $$ \le $$ $$\p
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In a $$\Delta $$PQR = 30$$^\circ $$ and the sides PQ and QR have lengths 10$$\sqrt 3 $$ and 10, respectively. Then, whic
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Let P1 : 2x + y $$-$$ z = 3 and P2 : x + 2y + z = 2 be two planes. Then, which of the following statement(s) is(are) TR
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For every twice differentiable function $$f:R \to [ - 2,2]$$ with $${(f(0))^2} + {(f'(0))^2} = 85$$, which of the follow
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Let f : R $$ \to $$ R and g : R $$ \to $$ R be two non-constant differentiable functions. If f'(x) = (e(f(x) $$-$$ g(x))
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Let f : [0, $$\infty $$) $$ \to $$ R be a continuous function such that$$f(x) = 1 - 2x + \int_0^x {{e^{x - t}}f(t)dt} $$
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The value of $${({({\log _2}9)^2})^{{1 \over {{{\log }_2}({{\log }_2}9)}}}} \times {(\sqrt 7 )^{{1 \over {{{\log }_4}7}}
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The number of 5 digit numbers which are divisible by 4, with digits from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and the repetition of d
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Let X be the set consisting of the first 2018 terms of the arithmetic progression 1, 6, 11, ...., and Y be the set consi
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The number of real solutions of the equation $$\eqalign{ & {\sin ^{ - 1}}\left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^\infty {} {x
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For each positive integer n, let $${y_n} = {1 \over n}(n + 1)(n + 2)...{(n + n)^{{1 \over n}}}$$. For x$$ \in $$R, let [
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Let a and b be two unit vectors such that a . b = 0. For some x, y$$ \in $$R, let $$\overrightarrow c = x\overrightarro
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Let a, b, c three non-zero real numbers such that the equation $$\sqrt 3 a\cos x + 2b\sin x = c,x \in \left[ { - {\pi \
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A farmer F1 has a land in the shape of a triangle with vertices at P(0, 0), Q(1, 1) and R(2, 0). From this land, a neigh
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Let S be the circle in the XY-plane defined the equation x2 + y2 = 4.Let E1E2 and F1F2 be the chords of S passing throug
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Let S be the circle in the XY-plane defined the equation x2 + y2 = 4.Let P be a point on the circle S with both coordina
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There are five students S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 in a music class and for them there are five seats R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 a
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There are five students S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 in a music class and for them there are five seats R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 a
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The potential energy of a particle of mass $$m$$ at a distance $$r$$ from a fixed point $$O$$ is given by $$V\left( r \r
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Consider a body of mass $$1.0$$ $$kg$$ at rest at the origin at time $$t=0.$$ A force $$\overrightarrow F = \left( {\al
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A uniform capillary tube of inner radius $$r$$ is dipped vertically into a beaker filled with water. The water rises to
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Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the $$xy$$-plane along the lines $$x = \pm R.$$ The wire located at $$x = +
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Two men are walking along a horizontal straight line in the same direction. The man in front walks at a speed $$1.0\,m{s
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A spring-block system is resting on a frictionless floor as shown in the figure. The spring constant is $$2.0\,N{m^{ - 1
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One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process as shown in the figure (where $$V$$ is the volume and $$T$$
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Two vectors $$\overrightarrow A $$ and $$\overrightarrow B $$ are defined as $$\overrightarrow A $$ $$=$$ $$a\widehat i
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A ring and disc are initially at rest, side by side, at the top of an inclined plane which makes an angle $${60^ \circ
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Three identical capacitors $${C_1},{C_2}$$ and $${C_3}$$ have a capacitance of $$1.0\,\mu F$$ each and they are unchange
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In the figure below, the switches $${S_1}$$ and $${S_2}$$ are closed simultaneously at $$t=0$$ and a current starts to f
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In the $$xy$$-plane, the region $$y > 0$$ has a uniform magnetic field $${B_1}\widehat k$$ and the region $$y < 0$
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Two conducting cylinders of equal length but different radii are connected in series between two heat baths kept at temp
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Sunlight of intensity $$1.3$$ $$kW\,{m^{ - 2}}$$ is incident normally on a thin convex lens of focal length $$20$$ cm. I
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In electromagnetic theory, the electric and magnetic phenomena are related to each other. Therefore, the dimensions of e
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In electromagnetic theory, the electric and magnetic phenomena are related to each other. Therefore, the dimensions of e
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If the measurement errors in all the independent quantities are known, then it is possible to determine the error in any
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If the measurement errors in all the independent quantities are known, then it is possible to determine the error in any
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