In the magnetically coupled circuit shown in the figure, 56 % of the total flux emanating from one coil links the other coil. The value of the mutual inductance (in H) is ______ .

A Y-network has resistances of 10Ω each in two of its arms, while the third arm has a resistance of 11Ω in the equivalent ∆ − network, the lowest value (in Ω) among the three resistances is ______________.
Two magnetically uncoupled inductive coils have Q factors q1 and q2 at the chosen operating frequency. Their respective resistances are R1 and R2. When connected in series, their effective Q factor at the same operating frequency is
Three capacitors C1 ,C2 and C3 whose values are 10 µF, 5µF and 2µF respectively, have breakdown voltages of 10V, 5V, and 2V respectively. For the interconnection shown below, the maximum safe voltage in Volts that can be applied across the combination, and the corresponding total charge in µC stored in the effective capacitance across the terminals are respectively.