GATE ME 2000
A company places orders for supply of two items $$A$$ and $$B.$$ The order cost for each of the items is Rs.$$300$$ /order. The inventory carrying cost is $$18\% $$ of the unit price per year per unit. The unit prices of the items are Rs.$$40$$ and Rs.$$50$$ respectively. The annual demands are $$10,000$$ and $$20,000$$ respectively.
(a) Find the economic order quantities and the minimum total cost
(b) A supplier is willing to give a $$1\% $$ discount on price, if both the items are ordered from him and if the order quantities for each item are $$1000$$ units or more. Is it profitable to avail the discount?
GATE ME 1997
Determine the number of production runs and also the total incremental cost in a factory for the data given below:

GATE ME 1995
Consider the following data for a product:
Demand $$=1000$$ units/year
Order cost $$=$$ Rs.$$40$$/order
Holding cost $$ = 10\% $$ of the unit cost / unit-year
Unit cost $$=$$ Rs.$$500$$
Demand $$=1000$$ units/year
Order cost $$=$$ Rs.$$40$$/order
Holding cost $$ = 10\% $$ of the unit cost / unit-year
Unit cost $$=$$ Rs.$$500$$
(a) What is the economic order quantity?
(b) Under the $$EOQ$$ what is the number of annual orders?
(c) With a policy of ordering every month what would be the total annual cost as a percentage of the cost at $$EOQ$$?
Questions Asked from Inventory Control (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude