1. FM
2. DM
3. PSK
4. PCM
Group 2
P: Slope overload
Q: $${\mu - law}$$
R: Envelope detector
S: Capture effect
T: Hilbert transform
U: Matched filter

P(s) = s5 + s4 + 2s3 + 2s2 + 3s + 15 ,
the number of roots which lie in the right half of the s-plane is
The system is

P. shift register
Q. Counter
R. Decoder
1. Frequency division
2. Addressing in memory chips
3. Serial to parallel data conversion

S1: The threshold voltage (VT) of a MOS capacitor decreases with increase in gate
oxide thickness
S2: The threshold voltage (VT) of a MOS capacitor decreases with increase in
substrate doping concentration.
LXI H, 9258
Which one of the following is performed by this sequence?
MVI A, 00H
The sequence of instruction to be complete the program would be
(I.) LDA 3000H
Would be
I. An A/D converter is interfaced to a microprocessor through an 8255. the conversion is initiated by a signal from the 8255 on Port C. A signal on Port C causes data to be strobed into Port A.
II. Two computers exchange data using a pair of 8255s. Port A works as a bidirectional data port supported by appropriate handshaking signals.
The appropriate modes of operation of the 8255 for I and II would be
$$Z\,\left[ {\matrix{ {{Z_{11}}} & {{Z_{12}}} \cr {{Z_{21}}} & {{Z_{22}}} \cr } } \right]\,$$ are

$$H\left( s \right) = {{{{10}^6}} \over {{s^2} + 20s + {{10}^6}}}$$
The Quality factor (Q-factore) of this circuit is

Consider the following statements S1 and S2.
S1: The $$\beta$$ of a bipolar transistor reduces if the base width is increased.
S2: The $$\beta$$ of a bipolar transistor increases if the doping concentration in the base in increased
Which one of the following is correct?The circuit shown in Fig, has initial current $${\mathrm i}_\mathrm L\left(0^-\right)\;=\;1\;\mathrm A$$ through the inductor and an initial voltage $${\mathrm v}_\mathrm C\left(0^-\right)\;=\;-1\;\mathrm V$$ across the capacitor. For input v(t) = u(t), the Laplace transform of the current i(t) for t ≥ 0 is

The equivalent inductance measured between the terminals 1 and 2 for the circuit shown in figure, is

Then Y(f) is

$$h\left[ n \right] = \left\{ {\matrix{ { - 2\sqrt 2 ,} & {n = 1, - 1} \cr {4\sqrt 2 ,} & {n = 2, - 2} \cr {0,} & {otherwise} \cr } } \right.$$
If the input to the above system is the sequence $${e^{j\pi n/4}},$$ then the output is
$$x[n] = [ - \,4 - \,j5,\,\mathop {1 + j2}\limits_ \uparrow ,\,\,4]$$
The conjugate anti-symmetric part of the sequence is

H(z) = $${z \over {z - 0.2}}$$ .
If the ROC is $$\left| {z\,} \right|$$ < 0.2, then the impulse response of the system is