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For full wave rectification, a four diode bridge rectifier is claimed to have the following advantages over a two diode
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The emitter coupled pair of BJT’s gives a linear transfer relation between the differential output voltage and the diffe
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From a measurement of the rise time of the output pulse of an amplifier whose input is a small amplitude square wave, on
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The circuit of Fig. is an example of feedback of the following type
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In a series regulated power supply circuit, the voltage gain Av of the ‘pass’ transistor satisfies the condition:
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In the circuit of fig. Determine the resistance Ro seen by the output terminals, ignore the effects of R1 and R2.
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The $${f_T}$$ of a BJT is related to its $${g_{m,}}\,\,{C_\pi }$$ and $${C_\mu }$$ as follows
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In the MOSFET amplifier of the figure the signal output V1 and V2 obey the relationship
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One input terminal of high gain comparator circuit is connected to ground and a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the oth
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Find the value of $${R^1}$$ in the circuit of fig. For generating sinusoidal Oscillations. Find the frequency of oscilla
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In a differential Amplifier, CMRR can be improved by using an increased
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In a shunt-shunt negative feedback Amplifier, as compared to the basic Amplifier,
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Implement a monostable multivibrator using the timer circuit shown, in Fig. Also determine an expression for ON time T o
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The image channel selectivity of super heterodyne receiver depends upon
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A DSB-SC signal is generated using the carrier $$\cos\left(\omega_ct\;+\;\theta\right)$$ and modulating singal x(t). The
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Compression in PCM refers to relative compression of
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Quadrature multiplexing is
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In a PCM system with uniform quantization, increasing the number of bits from 8 to 9 will reduce the quantization noise
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For a given data rate, the bandwidth Bp of a BPSK signal and the band width B0 of the OOK signal are related as
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The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussian pulse is
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The probability density function of the envelope of narrow band Gaussian noise is
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The ACF of a rectangular pulse of duration T is
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If $$F\left(s\right)\;=\;\frac\omega{s^2\;+\;\omega^2}$$, then the value of $$\underset{t\rightarrow\infty}{\lim\;}f\lef
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Consider a unity feedback control system with open-loop transfer function $$G\left(s\right)\;=\;\frac K{s\left(s\;+\;1\r
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The unit impulse response of a linear time invariant system is the unit step function u(t). For t>0, the response of
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The number of roots of $$s^3\;+\;5s^2\;+\;7s\;+\;3\;=\;0$$ in the left half of the s-plane are
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The transfer function of a tachometer is of the form
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Draw a signal flow graph for the following set of algebraic equations: $$$\begin{array}{l}y_2=ay_1-\;gy_3\\y_3=ey_2+\;cy
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Consider a feedback control system with loop transfer function $$$G\left(s\right)H\left(s\right)=\frac{K\left(1+0.5s\rig
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The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback open-loop system is $$\frac{2s^2+6s+5}{\left(s+1\right)^2\left(s+2\r
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Consider the system shown in Fig. Determine the value of 'a' such that the damping ratio is 0.5. Also obtain the value
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The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is $$$s^4+20s^3+15s^2+2s+K\;=\;0$$$ (i) Determine the range of
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In the Bode-plot of a unity feedback control system, the value of phase of G($$j\omega $$) at the gain cross over freque
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The Nyquist plot of a loop transfer function G$$(j\omega )$$ H$$(j\omega )$$, of a system encloses the (-1, j0) point. T
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The loop transfer function of a single loop control system is given by $$G(s)H(s) = {{100} \over {s\left( {1 + 0.01s} \r
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The transfer function of a phase lead controller is $${\textstyle{{1 + 3Ts} \over {1 + Ts}}}.$$ The maximum value of ph
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An equivalent 2’s complement representation of the 2’s complement number 1101 is
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Two 2' s complement numbers having sign bits x and y added and the sign bit of the result is z. Then, the occurrence of
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The K-map for a Boolean function is shown in figure. The number of essential prime implicants for this function is
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Figure shows a mod-K counter, Here K is equal to
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The noise margin of a TTL gate is about
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The threshold voltage for each transistor in Fig.2.5, is 2V. For this circuit to work as an inverter, Vi must take the v
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In figure, A = 1 and B = 1. The input B is now replaced by a sequence 101010 ___, the outputs x and y will be
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The advantage of using a dual slope ADC in a digital voltmeter is that
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For an ADC, match the following : if List 1 A. Flash converter B. Dual slope converter C. Successive approximation C
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The mod-5 counter shown in figure counts through states Q2 Q1 Q0 = 000, 001, 010, 011 and 100. (a) Will the counter
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The Maxwell's equation $$\nabla\times\overrightarrow H\;=\;\overrightarrow J\;+\;\frac{\partial\overrightarrow D}{\parti
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A loop is rotating about the y-axis in a magnetic field $$$\overrightarrow B\;=\;B_0\cos\left(\mathrm{ωt}\;+\;\mathrm\ph
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The intrinsic impedance of copper at high frequencies is
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The depth of penetration of a wave in a lossy dielectric increases with increasing
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The wavelength of a wave with propagation constant $$\left( {0.1\,\pi + j\,0.2\pi } \right){m^{ - 1}}$$ is
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All transmission line sections shown in Fig. have characteristic impedance $${R_0}\, + \,j0$$. The input impedance $${Z_
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The polarization of a wave with electric field vector $$\overrightarrow E = {E_0}\,{e^{j\left( {\omega t - \beta z} \ri
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The time averaged Poynting vector, in W/m2, for a wave with $$\vec E = 24{e^{j\left( {\omega t + \beta z} \right)}}{\mke
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A plane wave with $$\overrightarrow E = 10\,{e^{j\left( {\omega t - \beta z} \right)\,}}\,\,{\overrightarrow a _{_y}}$$
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The electric field vector of a wave is given as $$$\vec E = {E_0}{\mkern 1mu} {e^{j\left( {\omega t + 3x - 4y} \right)}
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An antenna in free space receives 2$$\mu $$ W of power when the incident electric field is 20 m V/m rms. The effective a
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The radiation resistance of a circular loop of one turn is 0.01 $$\Omega $$. The radiation resistance of five turns of s
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The far field of an antenna varies with distance r as
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The vector $$\mathop H\limits^ \to $$ in the far field of an antenna satisfiels
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A rectangular waveguide with inner dimensions 6 cm $$ \times $$ 3 cm has been designed for a single mode operation. Find
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The region between a pair of parallel perfectly conducting planes of infinite extent in the y and z directions is partia
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The static characteristic of an adequately forward biased p-n junction is a straight line, if the plot is of
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For small signal a.c. operation, a practical forward biased diode can be modeled as
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The eigen values of the matrix $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 & 1 \cr 1 & 0 \cr } } \right]$$ are
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If $$\,\,\,L\,\,\left\{ {f\left( t \right)} \right\} = {w \over {{s^2} + {w^2}}}$$ then the value of $$\mathop {Lim}\li
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An I/O processor control the flow of information between
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An instruction used to set the carry flag in a computer can be classified as
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The Nodal method of circuit analysis is based on
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The voltage across the terminals a and b in Fig. is
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Superposition theorem is NOT applicable to networks containing
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A voltage source of internal impedance $${\mathrm R}_\mathrm s\;+\;{\mathrm{jX}}_\mathrm s$$ supplies power to a load of
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The short-circuit admittance matrix of a two-port network is $$$\begin{bmatrix}0&-\frac12\\\frac12&0\end{bmatrix
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A network has 7 nodes and 5 independent loops. The number of branches in the network is
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The parallel $$RLC$$ circuit shown in figure is in resonance. In this circuit
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Determine the frequency of resonance and the resonant impedance of the parallel circuit shown in figure. What happens wh
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The trigonometric Fourier series of a periodic time function can have only
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The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussian pulse is
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The Fourier transform of a function x(t) is X(f). The Fourier transform of $${{dx(t)} \over {dt}}$$ will be
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The Fourier transform of a voltage of a voltage signal x(t) is X(f). The unit of |X(f)| is
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If L$$\left[ {f\left( t \right)} \right]$$ = $$\omega /\left( {{s^2} + {\omega ^2}} \right),$$ then the value of $$\matr
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The z - transform of the time function $$\sum\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {\delta \left( {n - k} \right)} $$ is
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The transfer function of a zero - order - hold system is
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The unit impulse response of a linear time invariant system is the unit step function u(t). For t>0, the response of
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Consider a rectangular pulse g(t) existing between $$t = \, - {T \over 2}\,and\,{T \over 2}$$. Find and sketch the pulse
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Flat top sampling of low pass signals
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The ACF of a rectangular pulse of duration T is
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Class 12