Paper was held on Sun, Feb 5, 2023 9:00 AM
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In the circuit shown below, $$V_1$$ and $$V_2$$ are bias voltages. Based on input and output impedances, the circuit beh
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A cascade of common-source amplifiers in a unity gain feedback configuration oscillates when
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The $$\mathrm{{{{V_{OUT}}} \over {{V_{IN}}}}}$$ of the circuit shown below is
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In the circuit shown below, D$$_1$$ and D$$_2$$ are silicon diodes with cut-in voltage of 0.7 V. $$\mathrm{V_{IN}}$$ and
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A sample and hold circuit is implemented using a resistive switch and a capacitor with a time constant of 1 $$\mu$$s. Th
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For a real signal, which of the following is/are valid power spectral density/densities?
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A random variable X, distributed normally as N(0, 1), undergoes the transformation Y = h(X), given in the figure. The fo
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Let a frequency modulated (FM) signal $$x(t) = A\cos ({\omega _c}t + {k_f}\int_{ - \infty }^t {m(\lambda )d\lambda )} $$
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Let x$$_1$$(t) and x$$_2$$(t) be two band-limited signals having bandwidth $$B=4\pi\times10^3$$ rad/s each. In the figur
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Let X(t) be a white Gaussian noise with power spectral density $$\frac{1}{2}$$W/Hz. If X(t) is input to an LTI system wi
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The frequency of occurrence of 8 symbols (a-h) is shown in the table below. A symbol is chosen and it is determined by a
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The open loop transfer function of a unity negative feedback system is $$G(s) = {k \over {s(1 + s{T_1})(1 + s{T_2})}}$$,
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A closed loop system is shown in the figure where $$k>0$$ and $$\alpha > 0$$. The steady state error due to a ramp
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In the following block diagram, R(s) and D(s) are two inputs. The output Y(s) is expressed as Y(s) = G$$_1$$(s)R(s) + G$
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The asymptotic magnitude Bode plot of a minimum phase system is shown in the figure. The transfer function of the system
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In the circuit shown below, P and Q are the inputs. The logical function realized by the circuit shown below is
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The synchronous sequential circuit shown below works at a clock frequency of 1 GHz. The throughput, in Mbits/s, and the
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The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of an ADC with a full-scale sinusoidal input is given to be 61.96 dB. The resolution of
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For the circuit shown below, the propagation delay of each NAND gate is 1 ns. The critical path delay, in ns, is _______
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In a given sequential circuit, initial states are Q$$_1$$ = 1 and Q$$_2$$ = 0. For a clock frequency of 1 MHz, the frequ
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Consider a narrow band signal, propagating in a lossless dielectric medium $$(\varepsilon_r=4,\mu_r=1)$$, with phase vel
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The standing wave ratio on a 50 $$\Omega$$ lossless transmission line terminated in an unknown load impedance is found t
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The electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave is $$E = {a_x}{C_{1x}}\cos (\omega t - \beta z) + {a_y}{C_{1y}}\cos (
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The following circuit(s) representing a lumped element equivalent of an infinitesimal sectioin of a transmission line is
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A transparent dielectric coating is applied to glass ($$\varepsilon _r=4,\mu_r=1$$) to eliminate the reflection of red l
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In a semiconductor, if the Fermi energy level lies in the conduction band, then the semiconductor is known as
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For an intrinsic semiconductor at temperature $$T=0K$$, which of the following statement is true?
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For a MOS capacitor, $$\mathrm{V_{fb}}$$ and $$\mathrm{V_{t}}$$ are the flat-band voltage and the threshold voltage, res
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In an extrinsic semiconductor, the hole concentration is given to be 1.5$$n_i$$ where $$n_i$$ is the intrinsic carrier c
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In a semiconductor device, the Fermi-energy level is 0.35 eV above the valence band energy. The effective density of sta
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In the circuit below, the voltage V$$_{\mathrm{L}}$$ is _____________ V (rounded off to two decimal places).
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Let $${v_1} = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 \cr 2 \cr 0 \cr } } \right]$$ and $${v_2} = \left[ {\matrix{ 2 \cr
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The rate of increase, of a scalar field $$f(x,y,z) = xyz$$, in the direction $$v = (2,1,2)$$ at a point (0,2,1) is
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The value of the contour integral, $$\oint\limits_C {\left( {{{z + 2} \over {{z^2} + 2z + 2}}} \right)dz} $$, where the
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Let the sets of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix B be $$\{ {\lambda _k}|1 \le k \le n\} $$ and $$\{ {v_k}|1 \le
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The value of the line integral $$\int_P^Q {({z^2}dx + 3{y^2}dy + 2xz\,dz)} $$ along the straight line joining the points
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Let $$x$$ be an $$n \times 1$$ real column vector with length $$l = \sqrt {{x^T}x} $$. The trace of the matrix $$P = x{x
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The state equation of a second order system is $$x(t) = Ax(t),\,\,\,\,x(0)$$ is the initial condition. Suppose $$\lambda
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The value of the integral $$\int\limits\!\!\!\int_R {xy\,dx\,dy} $$ over the regioin R, given in the figure, is ________
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A series $$RLC$$ circuit has a quality factor Q of 1000 at a center frequency of $$10^6$$ rad/s. The possible values of
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In the circuit shown below, the current i flowing through 200 $$\Omega$$ resistor is __________ mA (rounded off to two d
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For the two port network shown below, the [Y]-parameters is given as $$[Y] = {1 \over {100}}\left[ {\matrix{ 2 &
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In the circuit shown below, switch S was closed for a long time. If the switch is opened at t = 0, the maximum magnitude
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The switch S$$_1$$ was closed and S$$_2$$ was open for a long time. At t = 0, switch S$$_1$$ is opened and S$$_2$$ is cl
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The h-parameters of a two port network are shown below. The condition for the maximum small signal voltage gain $${{{V_{
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The S-parameters of a two port network is given as $$[S] = \left[ {\matrix{ {{S_{11}}} & {{S_{12}}} \cr {{S_
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Let $${w^4} = 16j$$. Which of the following cannot be a value of $$w$$?
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Consider a system with input $$x(t)$$ and output $$y(t) = x({e^t})$$. The system is
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Let $$m(t)$$ be a strictly band-limited signal with bandwidth B and energy E. Assuming $${\omega _0} = 10B$$, the energy
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The Fourier transform $$x(\omega )$$ of $$x(t) = {e^{ - {t^2}}}$$ is Note : $$\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {{e^{ - {
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In the table shown below, match the signal type with its spectral characteristics. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;borde
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Consider a discrete-time periodic signal with period N = 5. Let the discrete-time Fourier series (DTFS) representation b
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Let an input $$x[n]$$ having discrete time Fourier transform $$x({e^{j\Omega }}) = 1 - {e^{ - j\Omega }} + 2{e^{ - 3j\Om
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Let $$x(t) = 100\cos (10.5Wt)$$ be passed through an LTI system having impulse response $$h(t) = \pi {\left( {{{\sin Wt
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Let $$\mathrm{x_1(t)=u(t+1.5)-u(t-1.5)}$$ and $$\mathrm{x_2(t)}$$ is shown in the figure below. For $$\mathrm{y(t)=x_1(t
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General Aptitude

"I cannot support this proposal. My __________ will not permit it."
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Courts : __________ : : Parliament : Legislature (By word meaning)
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What is the smallest number with distinct digits whose digits add up to 45?
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In a class of 100 students, (i) there are 30 students who neither like romantic movies nor comedy movies, (ii) the numbe
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How many rectangles are present in the given figure?
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Forestland is a planet inhabited by different kinds of creatures. Among other creatures, it is populated by animals all
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Which one of the following options represents the given graph?
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Which one of the following options can be inferred from the given passage alone? When I was a kid, I was partial to stor
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Out of 1000 individuals in a town, 100 unidentified individuals are covid positive. Due to lack of adequate covid-testin
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A 100 cm $$\times$$ 32 cm rectangular sheet is folded 5 times. Each time the sheet is folded, the long edge aligns with
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Civil Services
UPSC Civil Service
Class 12