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Find the output voltage, V0 in the following circuit assuming that the Op-Amps are ideal. GATE ECE 1993 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 12 English
The bandwidth of an n-stage tuned amplifier, with each stage having a band width of B, is given by
For the amplifier circuit of figure, the transistor has a $$\mathrm\beta$$ of 800. The mid-band voltage gain $$V_0/V_1$$ of the circuit will be GATE ECE 1993 Analog Circuits - Bipolar Junction Transistor Question 70 English
In a multi-stage RC-Coupled Amplifier the coupling capacitor.
Negative feedback in Amplifiers.
In a transistor push-pull Amplifier
For the ideal Op-Amp circuit of fig. Determine the output voltage V0 GATE ECE 1993 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 59 English
Which of the following demodulator(s) can be used for demodulating the signal $$x(t)\;=\;5\left(1+2\;\cos200\mathrm{πt}\right)\cos\;20000\;\mathrm{πt}$$ .
A superheterodyne radio receiver with an intermediate frequency of 455 KHz is tuned to a station operating at 1200 KHz. The associated image frequency is ______ KHz.
If $$s^3+\;3s^2\;+\;4s\;+A\;=\;0$$ ,then all the roots of this equation are in the left half plane provided that
The truth table for the output Y in terms of three inputs A, B and C are given in table. Draw a logic circuit realization using only NOR gates. GATE ECE 1993 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 7 English
Signals A,B,C,D and $$\overline D $$ are available. Using a single 8 - to - 1 multiplexer and no other gate, implement the Boolean function.

$$f(A,B,C,D) = B.C + A.B.\bar D + \bar A.\bar C.\bar D$$
A pulse train with a frequency of 1 MHz is counted using a modulo-1024 ripple-counter built with J-K flip flops. For proper operation of the counter, the maximum permissible propagation delay per flip flop stage is ______ n sec.
2’s complement representation of a 16-bit number (one sign bit and 15 magnitude bits) is FFFI. Its magnitude in decimal representation is
Boolean expression for the output of XNOR (equivalence) logic gate with inputs A and B is
For the logic circuit shown in Figure, the output is equal to GATE ECE 1993 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 35 English
A material is described by the following electrical parameters at a frequency of $$10$$ GHz is $$\sigma = {10^6}$$ mho/m, $$\mu = {\mu _0},$$ and $$ \in /{ \in _0} = 10.$$ The material at this frequency is considered to be $$\left( {{ \in _0} = {1 \over {36\,\,\pi }} \times {{10}^{ - 9}}\,\,F/m} \right)$$
Consider a transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 ohm. Let it be terminated at one end by ( + j50) ohm. The VSWR produced by it in the transmission line will be
A plane wave is incident normally on a perfect conductor as shown in Fig. Here $$E_x^i,\,\,H_y^i$$ and $$\overrightarrow P {}^i$$ are electric field, magnetic field and Poynting vector respectively, for the incident wave. The reflected wave should have GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Uniform Plane Waves Question 52 English
Match the following descriptions with each of the diagrams given in Fig. Fields are near the interface, but on opposite sides of the boundary. Vectors are drawn to scale.

(a) Medium $$1$$ and medium $$2$$ are dielectrics with $${\varepsilon _1} > {\varepsilon _2}$$
(b) Medium $$1$$ and medium $$2$$ are dielectrics with $${\varepsilon _1} < {\varepsilon _2}$$
(c) Medium $$2$$ is a perfect conductor
(d) Impossible
(e) Medium $$1$$ is a perfect conduct

GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Uniform Plane Waves Question 17 English 1 GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Uniform Plane Waves Question 17 English 2 GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Uniform Plane Waves Question 17 English 3
Consider an array of two non-directional radiators with spacing $$d\,\, = \,\,0.5\,\,\lambda $$. Determine the directions of maximum radiation when the radiators are excited as shown in Fig.. Calculate the phase shift required for turning the direction of the maximum radiation by $${90^ \circ }$$ keeping the separation d unchanged. GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Antennas Question 22 English
An optical fiber consists of a cylindrical dielectric rod of refractive index $$n_1$$, surrounded by another dielectric of refractive index $$n_2$$ where $$n_2$$ < $$n_1$$ as shown in the following Fig. If a ray is incident from air at angle i to the axis, then it undergoes total internal reflection at the interface AB if GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Waveguides Question 13 English

Given,$$\overrightarrow V=x\cos^2y\;\;\widehat{\mathrm i}\;+\;\mathrm x^2\mathrm e^\mathrm z\;\widehat{\mathrm j}\;+\;\mathrm{zsin}^2\mathrm y\;\widehat{\mathrm k}$$ and S the surface of a unit cube with one corner at the origin and edges parallel to the coordinate axes, the value of the integral is

GATE ECE 1993 Electromagnetics - Maxwell Equations Question 32 English
The built-in potential (Diffusion Potential) in a p-n junction
If the linear velocity $${\overrightarrow V }$$ is given by $$\overrightarrow V = {x^2}y\overrightarrow i + xyz\overrightarrow j - y{z^2}\overrightarrow k $$ then the angular velocity $$\overrightarrow W $$ at the point $$\left( {1,1, - 1} \right)$$ is _______.
Given the differential equation $${y^1} = x - y$$ with initial condition $$y(0)=0.$$ The value of $$y(0.1)$$ calculated numerically upto the third place of decimal by the $${2^{nd}}$$ order Runge-Kutta method with step size $$h=0.1$$ is
In a microprocessor, the register which holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched is
In a microcomputer, wait states are used to
An infinite grid is built up by connecting resistors in the manner indicated in figure, where each branch represents one ohm resistor. Calculate the effective resistance between the nodes A and B. GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 7 English
In the following circuit the capacitance varies as C = KQ, where K is a constant equal to 0.5 Farads/Coulomb and Q, the charge on the capacitor in Coulombs. Determine the current through the circuit and sketch the voltage waveform across the capacitor (VC) for a step input Vi as shown in figure. GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Transient Response Question 12 English
In figure, A1, A2 and A3 are ideal ammeters. If A1 reads 5 A, A2, A2 reads 12 A, then A3 should read GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 5 English

A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are doubled, then the voltage across each resistor is


The two electrical sub-network N1 and N2 are connected through three resistors as shown in figure. The voltage across 5 Ω resistor and 1 Ω resistor are given to be 10 V and 5 V, respectively. Then voltage across 15 Ω resistor is

GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 23 English

If the secondary winding of the ideal transformer shown in the circuit of the figure has 40 turns, the number of turns in the primary winding for maximum power transfer to the 2 Ω resistor will be

GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Network Theorems Question 51 English
In the series circuit shown in figure, for series resonance, the value of the coupling coefficient K will be GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 68 English
In the circuit of figure, when switch S1 is closed, the ideal ammeter M1 reads 5A. What will be ideal voltmeter M2 read when S1 is kept open? (The value of E is not specified). GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Network Theorems Question 6 English

A dc circuit shown in figure has a voltage source V, a current source I and several resistors. A particular resistor R dissipates a power of 4 Watts when V alone is active. The same resistor R dissipates a power of 9 Watts when I alone is active. The power dissipated by R when both sources are active will be

GATE ECE 1993 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 49 English
If $$F\left( s \right) = L\left[ {f\left( t \right)} \right] = {K \over {\left( {s + 1} \right)\,\left( {{s^2} + 4} \right)}}$$ then $$\matrix{ {Lim\,f\,\left( t \right)} \cr {t \to \infty } \cr } $$ is given by
The Laplace transform of the periodioc function f(t) describe4d by the curve below, i.e., $$f\left( t \right) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {\sin \,t\,\,\,if\,\left( {2n - 1} \right)\pi \le t \le 2n\pi } \cr {0\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,otherwise} \cr } } \right.$$
is _________. (fill in the blank), n is an integer. GATE ECE 1993 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Signal Laplace Transform Question 20 English
Consider the following interconnection of the three LTI systems (Fig.1). $${h_1}(t)$$ , $${h_2}(t)$$ and $${h_3}(t)$$ are the impulse responses of these three LTI systems with $${H_1}(\omega )$$, $${H_2}(\omega )$$, and $${H_3}(\omega )$$ as their respective Fourier transforms. Given that $${h_1}\,(t)\, = \,{d \over {dt}}\left[ {{{\sin ({\omega _0}t)} \over {2\,\pi \,t}}} \right],{H_2}(\omega ) = \exp \left( {{{ - j2\pi \omega } \over {{\omega _0}}}} \right)$$
$${h_3}\,(t)\, = u(t)\,and\,x(t)\, = \,\sin \,2\,{\omega _0}t\, + \,\cos \,({\omega _0}t/2),$$ find the output y(t). GATE ECE 1993 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Linear Invariant System Question 4 English
Sketch the waveform (with properly marked axes) at the output of a matched filter matched for a signal s(t), of duration T, given by $$s(t) = \left\{ {\matrix{ {A\,\,\,\,for} & {0 \le t < {2 \over 3}T} \cr {0\,\,\,\,\,\,for} & {{2 \over 3}T \le t < T} \cr } } \right.$$
Obtain an expression for the signal in figure, for the signal $${v_3}(t)$$ in Fig for $${v_1}(t) = 100\cos (2000\pi t) + 4\sin (200\pi t)$$. Assume that $${v_2}(t)$$=$${v_1}(t)$$+0.1 $$v_1^2(t)$$ and that the BPF is an ideal unity gain filter with pass band from 800 Hz to 1200 Hz. GATE ECE 1993 Signals and Systems - Transmission of Signal Through Continuous Time LTI Systems Question 9 English
A low pass signal m(t) band-limited to B Hz is sampled by a periodic rectangular pulse train, $${p_\tau }(t)$$ of period $${T_s}$$ = 1/(3B) sec. Assuming natural sampling and that the pulse amplitude and pulse width are A volts and 1/(30B) sec, respectively, obtain an expression for the frequency spectrum of the sampled signal $${m_s}$$(t)
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