$$f(A,B,C,D) = B.C + A.B.\bar D + \bar A.\bar C.\bar D$$

(a) Medium $$1$$ and medium $$2$$ are dielectrics with $${\varepsilon _1} > {\varepsilon _2}$$
(b) Medium $$1$$ and medium $$2$$ are dielectrics with $${\varepsilon _1} < {\varepsilon _2}$$
(c) Medium $$2$$ is a perfect conductor
(d) Impossible
(e) Medium $$1$$ is a perfect conduct

Given,$$\overrightarrow V=x\cos^2y\;\;\widehat{\mathrm i}\;+\;\mathrm x^2\mathrm e^\mathrm z\;\widehat{\mathrm j}\;+\;\mathrm{zsin}^2\mathrm y\;\widehat{\mathrm k}$$ and S the surface of a unit cube with one corner at the origin and edges parallel to the coordinate axes, the value of the integral is

A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are doubled, then the voltage across each resistor is
The two electrical sub-network N1 and N2 are connected through three resistors as shown in figure. The voltage across 5 Ω resistor and 1 Ω resistor are given to be 10 V and 5 V, respectively. Then voltage across 15 Ω resistor is

If the secondary winding of the ideal transformer shown in the circuit of the figure has 40 turns, the number of turns in the primary winding for maximum power transfer to the 2 Ω resistor will be

A dc circuit shown in figure has a voltage source V, a current source I and several resistors. A particular resistor R dissipates a power of 4 Watts when V alone is active. The same resistor R dissipates a power of 9 Watts when I alone is active. The power dissipated by R when both sources are active will be

is _________. (fill in the blank), n is an integer.

$${h_3}\,(t)\, = u(t)\,and\,x(t)\, = \,\sin \,2\,{\omega _0}t\, + \,\cos \,({\omega _0}t/2),$$ find the output y(t).