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A BJT is said to be operating in the saturation region if
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A transistor having $$\alpha$$ = 0.99 and VBE = 0.7 V, is used in the circuit of the figure.What is the value of the col
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An Amplifier has an open-loop gain of 100 and its lower and upper-cut-off frequency of 100 Hz and 100 kHz respectively,
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An RC-Coupled Amplifier is assumed to have a single-pole low frequency transfer function. The maximum lower-cutoff frequ
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An n-channel JFET has IDSS = 1 mA and Vp = -5 V. Its maximum transconductance is ______
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In the JFET circuit shown in Fig assume that R1||R2 = 1 M$$\Omega $$ and the total stray capacitance at the output to
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In the given circuit if the voltage inputs V- and V+ are to be Amplified by the same Amplification factor, the value of
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A change in the value of the Emitter resistance (Re in a difference Amplifier.
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An op-Amp is used as a zero-crossing detector. If maximum output available from the Op-Amp is $$ \pm 12\,\,{V_{p - p}}$$
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To obtain very high input and output impedances in a feedback Amplifier, the mostly used is
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The circuit shown, the figure supplies power to on 8 v speaker or L.S. The vaLUES OF $${I_C}$$ and $${V_{CE}}$$ for thi
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A power Amplifier delivers 50 W output at 50% efficiency. The ambient temperature is 25$$^\circ $$ C. if the maximum all
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Shown that the system in Fig. is a double integrator. In other words, prove that the transfer gain is given by $${{{V_0}
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If the number of bits per sample in a PCM system is increased from n to n+1, the improvement in signal-to-quanti
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The signal to quantization noise ratio in an n-bit PCM system
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For a narrow band noise with Gaussian quadrature and inphase components, the probability density function of its enveolo
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The transfer function of a linear system is the
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Signal flow graph is used to find
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For a second order system, damping ratio $$\left(\xi\right)$$ , is 0 < $$\xi$$ < 1 ,then the roots of the characte
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The final value theorem is used to find the
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If $$L\left(f\left(t\right)\right)=\frac{2\left(s+1\right)}{s^2+2s+5}$$ then f(0+) and f($$\infty$$) are given by [Note:
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The step error coefficient of a system G(s)=$$\frac1{\left(s+6\right)\left(s+1\right)}$$ with unity feedback is
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Non - minimum phase transfer function is defined as the transfer function
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A 'code converter' is to be designed to convert from the BCD(5421) to the normal BCD (8421). The input BCD combinations
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The minimum number of NAND gates required to implement the Boolean function $$A + A\overline B $$ $$ + A\overline B C$$
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A ROM is to be used to implement the Boolean functions given below: $${F_1}$$$$(A,\,B,\,C,\,D) = ABCD + \bar A\,\overli
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The output of the circuit shown in figure is equal to
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A switch-tail ring counter is made by using a single D flip-flop. The resulting circuit is a
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An R-S latch is
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The minimum number of MOS transistors required to make a dynamic RAM cell is
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The intrinsic impedance of a lossy dielectric medium is given by
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Copper behaves as a
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The electric field strength at a distance point, P, due to a point charge, +q, located at the origin, is 100 $$\mu $$V/
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In the infinite plane, y = 6 m, there exists a uniform surface charge density of (1/6000$$\pi $$) $$\mu $$C/m2. The asso
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A rectangular hollow metal waveguide is required to be so designed to propagate a 9375 MHz signal in its $$T{E_{10}}$$-m
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An antenna when radiating, has a highly directional radiation pattern. When the antenna is receiving its radiation patte
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Two dipoles are so fed and oriented in free space that they produce the following electromagnetic waves: $$${E_x} = 10\
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The probability that an electron in a metal occupies the Fermi-level at any temperature (> 0 K)
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The drift velocity of electrons in silicon
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The diffusion potential across a P-N junction
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A zener diode works on the principle of
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The depletion capacitance, CJ, of an abrupt P-N junction with constant doping on either side varies with reverse bias, V
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In a P-type silicon sample, the hole concentration is $$2.25\times10^{15}/cm^3$$. If the intrinsic carrier concentration
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The breakdown voltage of a transistor with its base open is BVCEO with emitter open is BVCBO, then
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A BJT is said to be operating in the saturation region if
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The Ebers-Moll model is applicable to
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The Early-Effect in a bipolar junction transistor is caused by
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By reversing the order of integration $$\int\limits_0^2 {\int\limits_{{x^2}}^{2x} {f\left( {x,y} \right)dy\,dx} } $$ may
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The third term in the taylor's series expansion of $${e^x}$$ about $$'a'$$ would be ________.
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If $$L\left\{ {f\left( t \right)} \right\} = {{2\left( {s + 1} \right)} \over {{s^2} + 2s + 5}}$$ then $$f\left( {{0^ +
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In a microprocessor, when a CPU is interrupted, it
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An 'Assembler' for a microprocessor a used for
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Two 2H inductance coils are connected in series and are also magnetically coupled to each other the coefficient of coupl
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The value of the resistance, R, connected across the terminals, A and B, (ref. Fig.), which will absorb the maximum powe
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Determine the current, i(t), in the circuit given below, (Fig.), using the Thevenin's theorem.
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A DC voltage source is connected across a series R-L-C circuit. Under steady-state conditions, the applied DC voltage dr
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Consider a DC voltage source connected to a series R-C circuit. When the steady-state reaches, the ratio of the energy s
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The current $$i(t)$$ through a $$10$$-$$\Omega $$ resistor in series with an inductance is given by $$i(t)$$$$ = 3 + 4\
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A series $$R$$-$$L$$-$$C$$ circuit has a $$Q$$ of $$100$$ and an impedance of $$\left( {100 + j0} \right)\,\Omega $$ at
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Find the current-transfer-ratio, $${{I_2}}$$/$${{I_1}}$$, for the network shown below (Fig). Also, mark all branch curre
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Show that the system shown in Fig. is a double integator. In other words, prove that the transfer gain is given by $${{
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For the 2-port network shown in Fig. determine the h-parameters. Using these parameters, calculate the output (port '2'
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The final value theorem is used to find the
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If L$$\left[ {f\left( t \right)} \right]$$ = $${{2\left( {s + 1} \right)} \over {{s^2} + 2s + 5}}$$, then $$f\left( {0 +
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A sinsoidal signal, v(t) = A sin(t), is applied to an ideal full-wave rectifier. Show that the Laplace Transform of the
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The transfer function of a linear system is the
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Let h(t) be the impulse response of a linear time invariant system. Then the response of the system for any input u(t) i
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Non - minimum phase transfer function is defined as the transfer function
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A signal v(t)= [1+ m(t) ] cos $$({\omega _c}t)$$ is detected using a square law detector, having the characteristic $${v
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A 1.0 kHz signal is flat - top sampled at the rate of 1800 samples/sec and the samples are applied to an ideal rectangul
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Match each of the items, A, B and C, with an appropriate item from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 A. Fourier transform of a Gaussian
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
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UPSC Civil Service
Staff Selection Commission
Class 12