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The transistor in the circuit shown in the figure. is so biased (dc biasing N/W is not shown) that the dc collector current IC = 1mA. Supply is VCC = 5V. GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Bipolar Junction Transistor Question 8 English

The N/W components have following values, RC = 2$$k\Omega $$,
RS = $$1.4k\Omega $$,
RE = $$100\Omega $$.

The transistor has specifications, $$\beta \,\, = \,\,100$$
and base spreading resistance $${r_{bb\,}}^1\, = \,100\Omega $$

$$Assume\,\,{{KT} \over q}\,\, = \,\,25\,mV$$

Evaluate input resistance Ri for two cases. At a frequency of 10 kHz

(a)CE, the bypass capacitor across RE is 25 $$\mu F$$
(b)The bypass capacitor CE is removed leaving RE unbypassed.

In the cascade amplifier circuit shown below, determine the values of R1, R2 and RL. Such that the quiescent current through the transistors is 1mA and the collector voltage Vc1 = 3V, and Vc2 = 6V. Tke VBE = 0.7V, Transistor $$\beta $$ to be hifgh and base currents to be negligible. GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Bipolar Junction Transistor Question 7 English
An Amplifier a has 6 dB gain and 50 $$\Omega $$ input and output impedances. The noise figure of this Amplifier as shown in the figure is 3 dB. A cascade of two such Amplifiers as in the figure will have a noise figure of GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 85 English 1 GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 85 English 2
Negative feedback in

1. Voltage series configuration
2.Current shunt configuration

(a) increases input impedance
(b) decreases input impedance
(c) increases closed loop gain
(d) leads to ascillation.

An IC 555 chip has been used to construct a pulse generator. Typical pin connections with components is shown below in fig. for such application. However it is desired to generate a square pulse of 10KHz.. GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - 555 Timer Question 2 English Evaluate values of $${R_{A\,}}$$ and $${R_{B\,}}$$ and if the capacitor has the value of 0.01$$\mu $$F for the configuration closed. If necessary you can suggest modifications in the external circuit configuration.
The output voltage V0 of the circuit shown in the figure is GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 60 English
Consider the circuit given in fig. using an ideal operational Amplifier. GATE ECE 1997 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 9 English

The characteristics of the diode are given by the relation I = Is $$\left[ {{e^{{{qV} \over {KT}}}} - 1} \right],$$

Where V is the forward voltage across the diode
(a)Express V0 as a function of Vi assuming Vi> 0.
(b)If R = 100K$$\Omega $$ , Is = 1$$\mu $$A and $${{KT} \over q}\,\, = \,\,25mV$$

The line code that has zero dc component for pulse transmission of random binary data is
A deterministic signal has the power spectrum given in figure. The minimum sampling rate needed to completely represent this signal is GATE ECE 1997 Communications - Digital Communication Systems Question 59 English
A probability density function is given by $$p(x) = \,K\,\,\exp \,\,( - \,{x^2}/2),\,\, - \,\infty \, < \,x < \,\infty $$.

The value of K should be

A certain linear time invariant system has the state and the output equations given below $$$\left[ {\matrix{ {\mathop {{x_1}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr {\mathop {{x_2}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & { - 1} \cr 0 & 1 \cr } } \right]\left[ {\matrix{ {{x_1}} \cr {{x_2}} \cr } } \right] + \left[ {\matrix{ 0 \cr 1 \cr } } \right]u$$$ $$$y = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 1 \cr } } \right]\left[ {\matrix{ {{x_1}} \cr {{x_2}} \cr } } \right], if$$$ $${x_1}\left( 0 \right) =1 ,{x_2}\left( 0 \right) = - 1,$$ $$u\left( 0 \right) = 0,$$ then $${{dy} \over {dt}}{|_{t = 0}}$$ is
In the signal flow graph of Fig. y/x equals GATE ECE 1997 Control Systems - Signal Flow Graph and Block Diagram Question 5 English
Following fig. shows the block diagram representation of control system. The system in block A has an impulse response h(t ) = e−t u(t ). The system in block B has an impulse response h(t ) = e−2t u(t ). The block 'K' amplifies its inputs by a factor k. For the overall system with input x(t) and output y(t). GATE ECE 1997 Control Systems - Time Response Analysis Question 10 English (a) Find the transfer function $$\frac{y\left(s\right)}{x\left(s\right)}$$ when k =1.
(b) Find the impulse response when k = 0.
(c) Find the values of k for which the system becomes unstable.
GATE ECE 1997 Control Systems - State Space Analysis Question 9 English

For the circuit shown in the figure, choose state variables as $${x_{1,}}{x_{2,}}{x_3}$$ to be $${i_{L1}}\left( t \right),{v_{c2}}\left( t \right),{i_{L3}}\left( t \right)$$

Wriote the state equations

$$$\left[ {\matrix{ {\mathop {{x_1}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr {\mathop {{x_2}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr {\mathop {{x_3}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr } } \right] = A\left[ {\matrix{ {{x_1}} \cr {{x_2}} \cr {{x_3}} \cr } } \right] + B\left[ {e\left( t \right)} \right]$$$
For the NMOS logic gate shown in figure, the logic function implemented is GATE ECE 1997 Digital Circuits - Logic Families Question 20 English
The gate delay of an NMOS inverter is dominated by charge time rather than discharge time because
A sequence generator is shown in figure. The counter status (Q0 Q1 Q3) is intialized to 010 using preset/clear inputs.
The Clock has a period of 50ns and transitions take place at the rising clock edge.
(a) Give the sequence generated at Q0 till it repeats.
(b) What is the repetition rate for the generated sequence? GATE ECE 1997 Digital Circuits - Sequential Circuits Question 16 English
The inverter 74AL SO4 has the following specifications:
$${I_{OH}}{\,_{\max \,}} = \, - $$ 0.4mA, $${I_{OL}}$$ max = 8mA, $${I_{IH}}$$ max = $$\mu $$A , $${I_{IL\,}}_{\max \,}$$=0.1mA. The fan out based on the above will be
A signed integer has been stored in a byte using the 2's complement format. We wish to store the same integer in a 16-bit word. We should
The output of the logic gate in figure is GATE ECE 1997 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 32 English
A 2-bit binary multiplier can be implemented using
In a J_K flip-flop, we have J=$$\overline Q $$ and K=1 (see figure). Assuming the flip-flop was intially cleared and then clocked for 6 pulses, the sequence at the Q output will be GATE ECE 1997 Digital Circuits - Sequential Circuits Question 64 English
In standard TTL the 'totem pole' stage refers to
A transmission line of 50$$\Omega $$ characteristic impedance is terminated with a 100 $$\Omega $$ resistance. The minimum impedance measured on the line is equal to
A $${\lambda \over 2}$$ section of a 600 $$\Omega $$ transmission line, short ciruited at one end and open circuited at the other end, is shown in Fig. A 100 V / 75 $$\Omega $$ generator is connected at the mid point of the section as shown in the Fig. Find the voltage at the open-ciruited end of the line. GATE ECE 1997 Electromagnetics - Transmission Lines Question 9 English
A uniform plane wave is normally incident from air on an infinitely thick magnetic material with relative permeability 100 and relative permittivity 4 (sec in Fig.). The wave has an electric field of 1 V/meter (rms). Find the average Poynting vector inside the material. GATE ECE 1997 Electromagnetics - Uniform Plane Waves Question 14 English
A rectangular air-filled waveguide has a cross section of $$4\,cm\,\, \times \,\,10cm$$. The minimum frequency which can propagate in the waveguide is
A parabolic dish antenna has a conical beam 20 wide. The directivity of the antenna is approximately
A dipole antenna has a sin$$\theta $$ radiation pattern where the angle $$\theta $$ is measured from the axis of the dipole. The dipole is vertically located above an ideal ground plane (Fig.). What should be the height of the dipole H in terms of wave length so as to get a null in the radiation pattern at an angle of 450 from the ground plane? Find the direction of maximum radiation also. GATE ECE 1997 Electromagnetics - Antennas Question 18 English
The units of $$\frac q{KT}$$ are
The curve given by the equation $${x^2} + {y^2} = 3axy$$ is
The laplace transform of $${e^{\alpha t}}\,\cos \,\alpha \,t$$ is equal to ____________.
The decoding circuit shown below has been used to generate the active low chip select signal for a microprocessor peripheral. (The address lines are designated as $${A_0}$$ to $${A_7}$$ for I-O address) GATE ECE 1997 Microprocessors - Pin Details of 8085 and Interfacing with 8085 Question 3 English
The following instructions have been executed by an 8085 $$\mu $$P GATE ECE 1997 Microprocessors - Instruction Set and Programming with 8085 Question 27 English
From which address will be text instruction be fetched?
In an 8085$$\mu$$P system, the RST instruction will cause an interrupt
In the circuit of Fig., all currents and voltage are sinusoids of frequency $$\omega $$ rad/sec. GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 15 English

(a) Find the impedance to the right of $$\left( {A,\,\,\,\,\,\,B} \right)$$ at $$\omega \,\,\, = \,\,\,\,0$$ rad/sec and $$\omega \,\,\, = \,\,\,\,\infty $$ rad/sec.

(b) If $$\omega \,\,\, = \,\,\,\,{\omega _0}$$ rad/sec and $${i_1}\left( t \right) = \,\,{\rm I}\,\,\,\sin \,\left( {{\omega _0}t} \right)\,{\rm A},$$ where $${\rm I}$$ is positive, $${{\omega _0}\,\, \ne \,\,0}$$, $${{\omega _0}\,\, \ne \,\,\infty }$$, then find $${\rm I}$$, $${{\omega _0}}$$ and $${i_2}\left( t \right)$$

In the circuil of Fig. the equivalent impedance seen across terminals A. B is GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Two Port Networks Question 28 English

The voltage V in Fig. is equal to

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 46 English

The voltage V in Fig. is always equal to

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 45 English

The voltage V in Fig. is

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 44 English

In the circuit of Fig. when R = 0 Ω, the current iR equals 10 A.

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Network Theorems Question 9 English

(a) Find the value of R for which it absorbs maximum power.

(b) Find the value of E.

(c) Find v2 when R = $$\infty$$ ( open circuit)

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - State Equations For Networks Question 2 English For the circuit shown in Fig. choose state variables $$X_1,\;X_2,\;X_3$$ to be $$i_{L1}\left(t\right),\;v_{C2}\left(t\right),\;i_{L3}\left(t\right)$$

(a) Write the state equations

$$$\begin{bmatrix}{\dot X}_1\\{\dot X}_2\\{\dot X}_3\end{bmatrix}\;=\;A\;\begin{bmatrix}X_1\\X_2\\X_3\end{bmatrix}\;+\;B\left[e\left(t\right)\right]$$$

(b) If e(t) = 0, t $$\geq$$ 0, $$i_{L1}\left(0\right)\;=\;0,\;v_{C2}\left(0\right)\;=\;0,\;i_{L3}\left(0\right)\;=\;1A,$$ then what would the total energy dissipated in the registors in the interval $$\left(0,\infty\right)$$ be

In the circuit of Fig., the current iD through the ideal diode (zero cut in voltage and zero forward resistance) equals GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Miscellaneous Question 2 English
In the circuit of Fig., energy absorbed by the 4 Ω registor in the time interval (0,$$\infty$$) is GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Miscellaneous Question 3 English

The current "i4" in the circuit of Fig. is equal to

GATE ECE 1997 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 47 English
The function f(t) has the Fourier Transform g($$\omega $$). The Fourier Transform of $$$g(t) = \left( {\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {g(t){e^{ - j\omega t}}} } \right)\,is$$$
The power spectral density of a deterministic signal is given by $${\left[ {\sin (f)/f} \right]^2}$$, where 'f' is frequency. The autocorrelation function of this signal in the time domain is
If the Fourier Transfrom of a deterministic signal g(t) is G (f), then

(1) The Fourier transform of g (t - 2) is
(2) The Fourier transform of g (t/2) is

Item - 2
(A) G(f) $$e^{-j\left(4\mathrm{πf}\right)}$$
(B) G(2f)
(C) 2G(2f)
(D) G(f-2)

Match each of the items 1, 2 on the left with the most appropriate item A, B, C or D on the right.
The Laplace Transform of eat .cos$$\left( {\alpha t} \right).u\left( t \right)$$ is equal to
Match each of the items 1, 2 on the left with the most appropriate item A, B, C or D on the right.

In the case of a linear time invariant system

List - 1
(1) Poles in the right half plane implies.
(2) Impulse response zero for $$t \le 0$$ implies.

List - 2
(A) Exponential decay of output
(B) System is causal
(C) No stored energy in the system
(D) System is unstable

Fig.1, shows the block diagram representation of a control system. The system in block A has an impulse response $${h_A}(t) = {e^{ - t}}\,u(t)$$. The system in block B has an impulse response $${h_B}(t) = {e^{ - 2t}}\,u(t)$$. The block 'k' amplifies its input by a factor k. For the overall system with input x(t) and output y(t) GATE ECE 1997 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Linear Invariant System Question 3 English

(a) Find the transfer function $${{Y(s)} \over {X(s)}}$$, when k=1

(b) Find the impulse response, when k = 0

(c) Find the value of k for which the system becomes unstable.

$$$\left[ {\matrix{ {Note:u(t)\, \equiv \,0} & {t\, \le \,0} \cr {\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \equiv 1} & {t\, > \,0} \cr } } \right]$$$

In Fig. 1, a linear time invariant discrete system is shown. Blocks labeled D represent unit delay elements. For $$n\, < 0,$$ you may assume that $$x\left( n \right),$$ $${y_1}\left( n \right),\,\,{y_2}\left( n \right)$$ are all zero. GATE ECE 1997 Signals and Systems - Discrete Time Linear Time Invariant Systems Question 3 English

(a) Find the expression for $${y_1}\left( n \right)$$ and $${y_2}\left( n \right)$$ in terms of $$x\left( n \right).$$
(b) Find the transfer function $${y_2}\left( z \right)/X\left( z \right)$$ in the $$z$$-domain.
(c) If $$x\left( n \right) = 1$$ at $$n = 0$$ or $$x\left( n \right) = 0$$ otherwise

Find $${y_2}\left( n \right).$$

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