(a) Sketch the impulse response, h(t), of the matched filter.
(b) Sketch the output, y(t), of the matched filter. Fully label your diagram.
(c) If the input to the matched filter consists of the signal, x(t), plus additive white noise of two sided spectral density of $${10^{ - 6}}$$ watts/Hz, find the maximum output SNR of the matched filter.
(1) Pressure (P) is low or high'
(2) Temperature (T) is low or high' and
(3) Liquid level (L) is low or high.
its has two controls - Heater (H) which is either on or off and inlet value (V) which is open or close. The controls are operated as per Table.
(a) Using the convertion High =1, Low = 0, On=1, Off=0, Open=1 and Closed=0, draw the Karnaugh maps for H and V.
(b) Obtain the minimal product of sums expressions for H and V.
(c) Realize the logic for H and V using two 4-input multiplexers with T and L as control inputs. Used T as MSB.
(a) The guide-wavelength for the $$T{E_{{{10}^ - }}}$$ mode is 40% more than the operating free-space wavelength.
(b) The cut-off wavelength for the $$T{M_{{{11}^ - }}}$$ mode is 40% of the cut-off wavelength for the $$T{E_{{{10}^ - }}}$$ mode.
(a) equal and in - phase currents (Broadside array)
(b) equal currents but with a phase difference of 5400 between the two currents (End fire array)

In the circuit of figure, the power dissipated in the register R is 1W when only source '1' is present and '2' replaced by a short.The power dissipated in the same registor R is 4W when only source '2' is present and '1' is replaced by a short.When both the source '1' and '2' are present, the power dissipated in R will be:

A 10 Ω resistor, a 1 H inductor and 1 $$\mathrm{μF}$$ capacitor are connected in parallel.The combination is driven by a unit step current.Under the steady state condition, the source current flows through
A load, ZL = RL + jXL is to be matched, using an ideal transformer, to a generator of internal impedance, ZS = RS + jXS. The turns ratio of the transformer required is