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Introducing a resistor in the emitter of a common amplifier, stabilizes the dc operating point against variations in
In the circuit shown in the figure assume that the transistor is in the active region. It has a large β and its base Emitter voltage is 0.74. The value of Ic is GATE ECE 2000 Analog Circuits - Bipolar Junction Transistor Question 41 English
For the amplifier of given figure,
$${I_C}\, = \,1.3\,mA,\,{R_C}\, = \,2\,k\Omega ,\,{R_E}\, = \,500\,\Omega ,$$
$${V_T}\, = \,26\,mV,\,\beta \, = \,100,\,{V_{CC}}\, = \,15V,$$
$${V_s}\, = \,0.01\,\sin \left( {\omega t} \right)\,V\,and\,{C_b}\, = \,{C_C}\, = \,10\,\mu F.$$ GATE ECE 2000 Analog Circuits - Bipolar Junction Transistor Question 5 English

(a)What is the small-signal voltage gain, $${A_V} = {V_0}/{V_s}?$$
(b)What is the approximate $${A_{v,}}\,\,if\,\,{C_e}\,\,$$ is removed?
(c)What will $${V_0}\,be\,if\,{C_b}$$ is short circuited?

The current gain of a bipolar transistor drops at high frequencies because of
In the circuit of figure V0 is GATE ECE 2000 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 81 English
If the Op-Amp in the figure, is ideal, than V0 is GATE ECE 2000 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 80 English
The most commonly used Amplifier in sample and hold circuit is
If the Op-Amp in the figure has an input offset voltage of 5 mV and an open-loop voltage gain of 10,000, V0 will be GATE ECE 2000 Analog Circuits - Operational Amplifier Question 61 English
In a digital communication system employing Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), the 0 and 1 bit are represented by sine waves of 10 KHz and 25 KHz respectively. These waveforms will be orthogonal for a bit interval of
In an FM system, a carrier of 100 MHz is modulated by a sinusoidal signal of 5 KHz. The bandwidth by Carson’s approximation is 1 MHz. If y(t) = (modulated waveform)3, then by using Carson’s approximation, the bandwidth of y(t) around 300 MHz and the and the spacing of spectral components are, respectively.
For the linear, time-invariant system whose block diagram is shown in Fig. with input x(t) and output y(t), GATE ECE 2000 Control Systems - Time Response Analysis Question 7 English 1 GATE ECE 2000 Control Systems - Time Response Analysis Question 7 English 2
(a) Find the transfer function.
(b) For the step response of the system [i.e. find y(t) when x(t) is a unit step function and the initial conditions are zero]
(c) Find y(t), if x(t) is as shown in Fig. and the initial conditions are zero.
A linear time invariant system has an impulse response e2t, t > 0. If the initial conditions are zero and the input is e3t, the output for t > 0 is
An amplifier with resistive negative feedback has two left half-plane poles in its open-loop transfer function. The amplifier
The block diagram of a feedback system is shown in Figure. GATE ECE 2000 Control Systems - Time Response Analysis Question 9 English 1 GATE ECE 2000 Control Systems - Time Response Analysis Question 9 English 2
(a) Find the closed loop transfer function.
(b) Find the minimum value of G for which the step response of the system would exhibit an overshoot, as shown in Figure.
(c) For G equal to twice this minimum value, find the time period T indicated in Figure.
A system described by the transfer function $$$H\left(s\right)=\frac1{s^3+\alpha s^2+ks+3}$$$ is stable. The constraints on $$\alpha$$ and k are,
A certain linear, time-invariant system has the state and output representation shown below: $$$\eqalign{ & \left[ {\matrix{ {\mathop {{x_1}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr {\mathop {{x_2}}\limits^ \bullet } \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ { - 2} & 1 \cr 0 & { - 3} \cr } } \right]\left[ {\matrix{ {{x_1}} \cr {{x_2}} \cr } } \right] + \left[ {\matrix{ 1 \cr 0 \cr } } \right]u \cr & y = \left( {\matrix{ 1 & 1 \cr } } \right)\left[ {\matrix{ {{x_1}} \cr {{x_2}} \cr } } \right] \cr} $$$
(a) Find the eigen values (natural frequencies) of the system.
(b)If u(t)=$$\delta \left( t \right)$$ and x1(0+)=x2(0+)=0, find x1(t),x2(t) and y(t), for t>0.
(c)When the input is zero, choose initial conditions $${x_1}\left( {{0^ + }} \right)$$ and $${x_2}\left( {{0^ + }} \right)$$ such that $$y\left( t \right) = A{e^{ - 2t}}$$ for t>0
In the figure, the J and K inputs of all the four Flip-Flops are made high. The frequency of the signal at output Y is GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Sequential Circuits Question 44 English
The number of comparators in 4-bit flash ADC is
For the 4 bit DAC shown in Figure, the output voltage $${V_0}$$ is GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters Question 13 English
A sequential circuit using D flip-flop and logic gates is shown in the figure, where X and Y are the inputs and Z is the output. The circuit is GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Sequential Circuits Question 45 English
For the logic circuit shown in Figure, the required input condition (A, B, C) to make the output (X)=1. GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 27 English
For the logic circuit shown in the figure, the simplified Boolean expression for the output Y is GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 15 English
The operating conditions (ON = 1, OFF = 0) of three pumps (x,y,z) are to be monitored. x = 1 implies that pump X is on. It is required that the indicator (LED) on the panel should glow when a majority of the pumps fail. GATE ECE 2000 Digital Circuits - Logic Gates Question 5 English

(a) Enter the logical values in the K-map in the format shown in figure 3(a). Derive the minimal Boolean sum-of-products expression whose output is zero when a majority of the pumps fail.
(b) The above expression is implemented using logic gates, and point P is the output of this circuit, as shown in figure 3(b). P is at 0 V when a majority of the pumps fails and is at 5 V otherwise. Design a circuit to drive the LED using this output. The current through the LED should be 10 mA and the voltage drop across it is 1V. Assume that P can source or sink 10 mA and a 5 V supply is available.

A TEM wave is incident normally upon a perfect conductor. The E and H fields at the boundary will be respectively
The magnitudes of the open-circuit and short-circuit input impedances of a transmission line are 100$$\Omega \,$$ and 25$$\Omega \,$$ respectively. The characteristic impedance of the line is
A uniform plane wave in air impinges at 45° angle on a lossless dielectric material with dielectric constant $${\varepsilon _r}$$. The transmitted wave propagates in a 30° direction with respect to the normal. The value of $${\varepsilon _r}$$ is
The three regions shown in Fig. are all lossless and non-magnetic. Find

(a) Wave impedance in mediums 2 and 3.
(b) d such that medium 2 acts as a quarter wave $$(\lambda /40$$)transformer.
(c) Reflection coefficient $$(\Gamma )$$ and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) at the interface of the medium 1 and 2, when $$d = \lambda /4$$.

GATE ECE 2000 Electromagnetics - Transmission Lines Question 7 English
A rectangular waveguide has dimensions $$1\,\,cm\,\, \times \,\,0.5\,\,cm$$. Its cut-off frequency is
For an 8 feet (2.4 m) parabolic disk antenna operating at 4 GHz, the minimum distance required for far field measurement is closest to
The half-power beam widths (HPBW) of an antenna in the two orthogonal planes are $${100^ \circ }$$ and $${60^ \circ }$$ respectively. The directivity of the antenna is approximately equal to
If the diameter of a $$\lambda /2$$ dipole antenna is increased from $$\lambda /100$$ to $$\lambda /50$$ then is
The eigen values of the matrix $$\left[ {\matrix{ 2 & { - 1} & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & 3 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & { - 2} & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & { - 1} & 4 \cr } } \right]$$ are
$$\int\limits_0^{{\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle \pi $} \kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em \lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}}} {\int\limits_0^{{\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle \pi $} \kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em \lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}}} {\sin \left( {x + y} \right)dx\,dy} } $$
If $$\,\,\,$$ $$L\left\{ {f\left( t \right)} \right\} = {{s + 2} \over {{s^2} + 1}},\,\,L\left\{ {g\left( t \right)} \right\} = {{{s^2} + 1} \over {\left( {s + 3} \right)\left( {s + 2} \right)}},$$
$$h\left( t \right) = \int\limits_0^t {f\left( T \right)} g\left( {t - T} \right)dT$$
then $$L\left\{ {h\left( t \right)} \right\}$$ is _______________.
In the 8085 microprocessor, the RST6 instruction transfers the program execution to the following location
The number of hardware interrupts (which require an external signal to interrupt) present in an 8085 microprocessor are
The network $$N$$ in Fig. consists only of two elements: a resistor of $$1\Omega $$ and an inductor of L Henry. $$A$$ $$5$$ $$V$$ source is connected at the input at $$t\, = \,0$$ seconds. The inductor current is zero at $$t\, = \,0$$. The output voltage is found to be $$5{e^{ - 3t}}\,\,V,$$ for $$t\, = \,0$$. GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Transient Response Question 8 English

(a) Find the voltage transfer function of the network.
(b) Find L, and draw the configuration of the network.
(c) Find the impulse response of the network.

In Fig., the steady state output voltage corresponding to the input voltage $$\left( {3 + 4\sin \,\,100\,t} \right)$$ $$V$$ is GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 32 English
For the circuit in Fig. Which is in steady state, GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 12 English

(a)Find the frequency $${\omega _0}$$ at which the magnitude of the impedance across terminals a, b reaches maximum.

(b) Find the impedance across a, b at the frequency $${\omega _0}$$.

(c) If $${v_i}\left( t \right) = V\,\,\sin \left( {{\omega _0}t} \right),$$ find $${i_L}\left( t \right),\,\,{i_c}\left( t \right),{i_R}\left( t \right).$$


In the circuit of Fig., the value of the voltage source E is

GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 40 English

For the circuit in Fig. the voltage V0 is

GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 22 English

Use the data of Fig.(a). The current i in the circuit of Fig.(b) is

GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Network Theorems Question 29 English
The circuit of Fig. represents a GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Sinusoidal Steady State Response Question 65 English
For the circuit in Fig., write the state equations using vc and iL as state variables. GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - State Equations For Networks Question 1 English
For the circuit in Fig. GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Miscellaneous Question 1 English

(a) Find the Thevenin equivalent of the sub circuit faced by the capacitor across the terminals a, b.

(b) Find $$v_c\left(t\right),\;t>0,\;given\;v_c(0)\;=\;0.$$

(c) Find i(t), t>0.


In the circuit of Fig., the votage v(t) is

GATE ECE 2000 Network Theory - Network Elements Question 41 English
Given that $$L\left[ {f\left( t \right)} \right]\, = \,$$ $${{s + 2} \over {{s^2} + 1}},$$ $$$L\left[ {g\left( t \right)} \right] = {{{s^2} + 1} \over {\left( {s + 3} \right)\left( {s + 2} \right)}},$$$ $$$h\left( t \right) = \int\limits_0^t {f\left( \tau \right)\,g\left( {t - \tau } \right)\,d\tau ,} $$$ $$L\left[ {h\left( t \right)} \right]$$ is
A system with an input x(t) and an output y(t) is described by the relation: y(t) = t x(t). This system is
The Fourier Transform of the signal $$x(t) = {e^{ - 3{t^2}}}$$ is of the following form, where A and B are constants:
A linear time invariant system has an impulse response $${e^{2t}},\,\,t\, > \,0.$$ If the initial conditions are zero and the input is $${e^{3t}}$$, the output for $$t\, > \,0$$ is
Let u(t) be the unit step function. Which of the waveforms in Fig.(a) -(d) corresponds to the convolution of $$\left[ {u\left( t \right)\, - \,u\left( {t\, - \,1} \right)} \right]$$ with $$\left[ {u\left( t \right)\, - \,u\left( {t\, - \,2} \right)} \right]$$ ?
The Hilbert transform of $$\left[ {\cos \,{\omega _1}t + \,\sin {\omega _2}t\,} \right]$$ is
For the linear, time-invariant system whose block diagram is shown in Fig.(a), with input x(t) and output y(t).

(a) Find the transfer function.
(b) For the step response of the system [i.e. find y(t) when x(t) is a unit step function and the initial conditions are zero]
(c) Find y(t), if x(t) is as shown in Fig.(b), and the initial conditions are zero. GATE ECE 2000 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Linear Invariant System Question 2 English 1 GATE ECE 2000 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Linear Invariant System Question 2 English 2
A system has a phase response given by $$\phi \,(\omega )$$ where $$\omega $$ is the angular frequency. The phase delay and group delay at $$\omega $$ = $${\omega _0}$$ are respectively given by
A band limited signal x(t) with a spectrum X(f) as shown in Fig. a is processed as shown in Fig.b. p(t) is a periodic train of impulses as in Fig. c. The ideal band pass filter has a pass band from 26 KHz to 34 KHz.
(a) Calculate the Fourier series coefficients $${c_n}$$ in the Fourier expansion of p(t) in form $$p(t) = \sum\limits_{n = - \infty }^{ + \infty } {{c_n}} \,\exp \,\,(j\,n\,2\pi \,t/T)$$.
(b) Find the Fourier Transform of p(t).
(c) Obtain and sketch the spectrum of $${x_s}(t)$$.
(d) Obtain and sketch the spectrum of y(t). GATE ECE 2000 Signals and Systems - Sampling Question 9 English 1 GATE ECE 2000 Signals and Systems - Sampling Question 9 English 2 GATE ECE 2000 Signals and Systems - Sampling Question 9 English 3
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