a) Find the transfer function of the system
b) Compute the state-transition matrix/p>
a) Solve the state equation for a unit-step input under zero initial conditions
The condition for the RC network to act as a phase lead controller is:
(a) Attenuation constant
(b) Phase constant
(c) Skin depth
(d) Phase velocity and
(e) Group velocity
for copper assume the following values
Conductivity $$\sigma = 5.8 \times {10^7}$$ $$mho/m$$
Permeability $$\mu = 4\pi \times {10^{ - 7}}$$ $$H/m$$
Permeability $$\varepsilon = {1 \over {36\pi }} \times {10^{ - 9}}$$ $$F/m$$
For a wave propagating in an air filled rectangular wave guide
Current drawn from the generator.
Magnitude and phase of the current flowing in the load.
Power delivered to the load.
The condition for the RC network to act as a phase lead controller is

If the Laplace transform of the voltage across a capacitor of value of $$\frac12\;\mathrm F$$ is $$V_C\;\left(s\right)\;=\;\frac{s\;+\;1}{s^3\;+\;s^2\;+\;s\;+\;1}$$ , the value of the current through the capacitor at t = 0+ is
x(nT) = $${a^n}$$, nT $$ \ge $$ 0
=0, nT<0, a> 0
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