The output voltage Vout (in volts) is _____.

x(t) = U + Vt.
Where U is a zero mean Gaussian random variable and V is a random variable uniformly distributed between 0 and 2. Assume that U and V are statistically independent. The mean value of the random process at t = 2 is _________________

When x1(t) and x2(t) are the two state variables and r(t) denotes the input. The output c(t)=X1(t). The systyem is
Where u(t) denotes the unit step function.
The value of $$\mathop {Lt}\limits_{x \to \infty } \left| {\sqrt {{x_1}^2\left( t \right) + {x_2}^2\left( t \right)} } \right|$$ is ______

If the input sequence is 10101101001101, starting with the left-most bit, then the number of times 'Out' will be 1 is __________.

The value of $$d$$ (in meter) is ______ .

For some charge placed on this structure, the potential and surface electric field on S1 are Va and Ea , and that on S2 are Vb and Eb, respectively, which of the following is CORRECT?
[Given, mass of electron m = 9.11×10-31 kg, charge of electron e = -1.6×10-19 C , and permittivity $$\varepsilon_0=\left(1/36\mathrm\pi\right)\times10^{-9}\;\mathrm F/\mathrm m$$].

If $$C$$ is defined as $$\left| z \right| = 3,$$ then the value of $${\rm I}$$ is

Consider the circuit shown in the figure.

The Thevenin equivalent resistance (in Ω) across P – Q is _________.
The switch in the circuit, shown in the figure, was open for a long time and is closed at t = 0. The current i(t) (in ampere) at t = 0.5 seconds is ________

A connection is made consisting of resistance A in series with a parallel combination of resistances B and C. Three resistors of value 10 Ω, 5 Ω, 2 Ω are provided. Consider all possible permutations of the given resistors into the positions A, B, C, and identify the configurations with maximum possible overall resistance, and also the ones with minimum possible overall resistance. The ratio of maximum to minimum values of the resistances (up to second decimal place) is ____________.

The impulse responses of the systems are
$${h_1}(t) = 2\delta (t + 2)\, - 3\delta (t + 1)$$
$${h_2}(t) = \delta (t - 2)$$
If the input x(t) is a unit step signal, then the energy of y(t) is__________________.
If the input to the system is $$x(t) = 8\cos \left( {20\pi t + \,{\pi \over 4}} \right) + \,16\sin \left( {40\pi t + {\pi \over 8}} \right) + 24\,\cos \left( {80\pi t + {\pi \over {16}}} \right)$$
Then the average power of the output signal y(t) is_____________.
$$h\left( n \right) = 5\delta \left[ n \right] - 7\delta \left[ {n - 1} \right] + 7\delta \left[ {n - 3} \right] - 5\delta \left[ {n - 4} \right]$$ is a
What is the number of sinusoids in the output and their frequency inkHz?
General Aptitude
Which of the following statement best reflects the author’s opinion?

Which of the following is the steepest path leaving from P?