Four identical cylindrical chalk-sticks, each of radius $r = 0.5$ cm and length $l = 10$ cm, are bound tightly together using a duct tape as shown in the following figure.
The width of the duct tape is equal to the length of the chalk-stick. The area (in cm2) of the duct tape required to wrap the bundle of chalk-sticks once, is
The bar chart shows the data for the percentage of population falling into different categories based on Body Mass Index (BMI) in 2003 and 2023.

Based on the data provided, which one of the following options is INCORRECT?
Two identical sheets A and B, of dimensions 24 cm × 16 cm, can be folded into half using two distinct operations, FO1 or FO2.
In FO1, the axis of folding remains parallel to the initial long edge, and in FO2, the axis of folding remains parallel to the initial short edge.
If sheet A is folded twice using FO1, and sheet B is folded twice using FO2, the ratio of the perimeters of the final shapes of A and B is
Which one of the following options represents the given graph?