GATE EE 2017 Set 1
The circuit shown in the figure uses matched transistors with a thermal voltage $${V_T} = 25\,mV.$$ The base currents of the transistors are negligible. The value of the resistance $$R$$ in $$k\Omega $$ that is required to provide $$1\,\,\,\mu A$$ bias current for the differential amplifier block shown is ____________.

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GATE EE 2012
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The voltage gain $${A_V}$$ of the circuit shown below is

GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The transistor used in the circuit shown below has a $$\beta $$ of $$30$$ and $${{\rm I}_{CBO}}$$ is negligible.

If the forward voltage drop of diode is $$0.7V.$$ Then the current through collector will be
GATE EE 2010
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The transistor circuit shown uses a silicon transistor with $${V_{BE}} = 0.7V,{{\rm I}_C} \approx {{\rm I}_E}$$ and a $$DC$$ current gain of $$100.$$ The value of $${V_0}$$ is

Questions Asked from Bjt and Mosfet Biasing (Marks 2)
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GATE EE Subjects
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power Electronics
Power System Analysis
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Digital Electronics
Electrical Machines
Electric Circuits