Two Port Networks · Electric Circuits · GATE EE

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Two passive two-port networks P and Q are connected as shown in the figure. The impedance matrix of network P is $Z_P = \begin{bmatrix} 40 \Omega & 60 \Omega \\ 80 \Omega & 100 \Omega \end{bmatrix}$. The admittance matrix of network Q is $Y_Q = \begin{bmatrix} 5 \, \text{S} & -2.5 \, \text{S} \\ -2.5 \, \text{S} & 1 \, \text{S} \end{bmatrix}$. Let the ABCD matrix of the two-port network R in the figure be $\begin{bmatrix} \alpha & \beta \\ \gamma & \delta \end{bmatrix}$. The value of $\beta$ in $\Omega$ is ______________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

GATE EE 2024 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 1 English
GATE EE 2024

The admittance parameters of the passive resistive two-port network shown in the figure are

$${y_{11}} = 5\,S,{y_{22}} = 1\,S,{y_{12}} = {y_{21}} = - 2.5\,S$$

The power delivered to the load resistor $$R_L$$ in Watt is __________ (Round off to 2 decimal places).

GATE EE 2023 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 2 English

GATE EE 2023
Two passive two-port networks are connected in cascade as shown in figure. A voltage source is connected at port 1. GATE EE 2017 Set 1 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 15 English $$\begin{array}{l}Given:\\V_1=A_1V_2+B_1I_2\\I_1=C_1V_2+D_1I_2\\V_2=A_2V_3+B_2I_3\\I_2=C_2V_3+D_2I_3\end{array}$$

$$A_1,\;B_1,\;C_1,\;D_1,\;A_2,\;B_2,\;C_2,\;and\;D_2$$ are the generalized circuit constants. If the Thevenin equivalent circuit at port 3 consists of a voltage source VT and impedance ZT connected in series, then

GATE EE 2017 Set 1
In a linear two-port network, when 10 V is applied to Port 1, a current of 4 A flows through Port 2 when it is short-circuited. When 5V is applied to Port1, a current of 1.25 A flows through a 1 Ω resistance connected across Port 2. When 3V is applied to Port 1, then current (in Ampere) through a 2 Ω resistance connected across Port 2 is _________.
GATE EE 2015 Set 1
With 10 V dc connected at port A in the linear nonreciprocal two-port network shown below, the following were observed:

(i) 1 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 3 A
(ii) 2.5 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 2 A

GATE EE 2012 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 12 English For the same network, with 6 V dc connected at port A, 1 Ω connected at port B draws 7/3 A. If 8 V dc is connected to port A, the open circuit voltage at port B is
GATE EE 2012
With 10 V dc connected at port A in the linear nonreciprocal two-port network shown below, the following were observed:

(i) 1 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 3 A
(ii) 2.5 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 2 A

GATE EE 2012 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 13 English W ith 10 V dc connected at port A, the current drawn by 7 Ω connected at port B is
GATE EE 2012
The two-port network P shown in the figure has ports 1 and 2, denoted by terminals (a, b) and (c, d), respectively. It has an impedance matrix Z with parameters denoted by zij. A 1 Ω resistor is connected in series with the network at port 1 as shown in the figure. The impedance matrix of the modified two-port network (shown as a dashed box) is GATE EE 2010 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 11 English
GATE EE 2010
The parameters of the circuit shown in the figure are
$${R_i} = 1\,\,M\,\Omega ,\,\,{R_0} = 10\,\Omega ,\,\,A = {10^6}\,\,V/V.$$ If $${V_i} = 1\,\,\mu V,\,\,$$ the output voltage, input impedance and output impedance respectively are GATE EE 2006 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 3 English
GATE EE 2006
Two networks are connected in cascade as shown in the Fig. With the usual notations the equivalent $$A,B,C$$ and $$D$$ constants are obtained. Given that, $$C$$ $$ = 0.025\angle {45^ \circ },$$ the value of $${Z_2}$$ is GATE EE 2005 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 4 English
GATE EE 2005
The $$Z$$ matrix of a $$2$$ $$-$$ port network is given by $$\left[ {\matrix{ {0.9} & {0.2} \cr {0.2} & {0.6} \cr } } \right].$$ The element $${Y_{22}}$$ vof the corresponding $$Y$$ matrix of the same network is given by
GATE EE 2004
The $$h$$ $$-$$ parameters for a two $$-$$ port network are defined by
$$\left[ {\matrix{ {{E_1}} \cr {{{\rm I}_2}} \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ {{h_{11}}} & {{h_{12}}} \cr {{h_{21}}} & {{h_{22}}} \cr } } \right]\left[ {\matrix{ {{{\rm I}_1}} \cr {{E_2}} \cr } } \right].$$
For the two $$-$$ port network shown in Fig. the value of $${h_{12}}$$ is given by GATE EE 2003 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 6 English
GATE EE 2003
A two $$-$$ port network, shown in Fig. is described by the following equations:
$$\eqalign{ & {{\rm I}_1} = {Y_{11}}\,\,{E_1} + {Y_{12}}\,\,{E_2} \cr & {{\rm I}_2} = {Y_{21}}\,\,{E_1} + {Y_{22}}\,\,{E_2} \cr} $$ GATE EE 2002 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 7 English

The admittance parameters, $${Y_{11}},\,\,{Y_{12}},\,\,{Y_{21}}$$ and $${Y_{22}}$$ for the network shown are

GATE EE 2002
A two-port device is defined by the following pair of equations:
$${i_1} = 2{v_1} + {v_2}$$ and $${i_2} = {v_1} + {v_2}$$
Its impedance parameters $$\left( {{z_{11}},\,\,{z_{12}},\,\,{z_{21}},\,\,{z_{22}}} \right)$$ are given by
GATE EE 2000
For the two port network shown in Fig. the admittance matrix is GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 9 English
GATE EE 1997
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