GATE EE 2001
For the op-amp circuit shown in figure. Determine the output voltage $${v_0}.$$ Assume that the op-amps are ideal
GATE EE 1999
The input voltage $${V_i}$$ in the circuit is a $$1$$ $$kHz$$ sine wave of $$1$$ $$V$$ amplitude. Assume ideal operational amplifiers with $$ \pm 15V\,\,DC$$ supply. Sketch on a single diagram the wave-forms of $${V_i},$$ $${V_1}$$ and $${V_0}$$ show, indicating the peak value of$${V_1}$$ and the average value $${V_0}$$.
GATE EE 1998
In the circuit of figure $${R_s} = 2\,k\Omega ,$$ $${R_L} = 5\,k\Omega $$ For the op-amp $$A = {10^5},$$
$${R_i} = 100\,k\Omega ,\,\,{R_0} = 50\,k\Omega .$$ For $${V_0} = 10V.$$
Calculate $${V_S}$$ and $${{{V_0}} \over {{V_S}}}$$ and estimate the input resistance of the circuit,
$${R_i} = 100\,k\Omega ,\,\,{R_0} = 50\,k\Omega .$$ For $${V_0} = 10V.$$
Calculate $${V_S}$$ and $${{{V_0}} \over {{V_S}}}$$ and estimate the input resistance of the circuit,
GATE EE 1994
Figure below shows an op-amp amplifier. Find the output voltage in steady state condition where $$(i)$$ switch is open $$(ii)$$ $$S$$ is closed
Questions Asked from Operational Amplifier (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE EE Subjects
Electric Circuits
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Electrical Machines
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power System Analysis
Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Power Electronics