Load Flow Studies · Power System Analysis · GATE EE

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Marks 1


The figure shows the single line diagram of a 4-bus power network. Branches $b_1$, $b_2$, $b_3$, and $b_4$ have impedances $4z$, $z$, $2z$, and $4z$ per-unit (pu), respectively, where $z = r + jx$, with $r > 0$ and $x > 0$. The current drawn from each load bus (marked as arrows) is equal to $I$ pu, where $I \neq 0$. If the network is to operate with minimum loss, the branch that should be opened is

GATE EE 2024 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 2 English
GATE EE 2024
A 1000 $$ \times $$ 1000 bus admittance matrix for an electric power system has 8000 non-zero elements. The minimum number of branches (transmission lines and transformers) in this system are _____ (up to 2 decimal places).
GATE EE 2018
In a load flow problem solved by Newton-Raphson method with polar coordinates, the size of the Jacobian is $$\,100\,\, \times \,\,100.$$ If there are $$20$$ PV buses in addition to PQ buses and a slack bus, the total number of buses in the system is ________.
GATE EE 2017 Set 2
The figure show the per-phase representation of a phase-shifting transformer connected between buses $$1$$ and $$2,$$ where $$\alpha $$ is a complex number with non-zero real and imaginary parts. GATE EE 2017 Set 2 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 21 English
For the given circuit, $${Y_{bus}}$$ and $${Z_{bus}}$$ are bus admittance matrix and bus impedance matrix, respectively, each of size $$2\, \times \,2$$. Which one of the following statements is true?
GATE EE 2017 Set 2
A 10-bus power system consists of four generator buses indexed as G1, G2, G3, G4 and six load buses indexed as L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6. The generator bus G1 is considered as slack bus, and the load buses L3 and L4 are voltage controlled buses. The generator at bus G2 cannot supply the required reactive power demand, and hence it is operating at its maximum reactive power limit. The number of non-linear equations required for solving the load flow problem using Newton-Raphson method in polar form is ____________.
GATE EE 2017 Set 1
A $$3$$-bus power system is shown in the figure below, where the diagonal elements of $$Y$$-bus matrix are: $${Y_{11}} = - j12\,pu,\,\,\,{Y_{22}} = - j15\,pu\,\,$$ and $$\,{Y_{33}} = - j7\,pu.$$ GATE EE 2017 Set 1 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 22 English

The per unit values of the line reactance's $$p, q$$ and $$r$$ shown in the figure are

GATE EE 2017 Set 1
The magnitude of three-phase fault currents at buses A and B of a power system are 10 pu and 8 pu, respectively. Neglect all resistances in the system and consider the pre-fault system to be unloaded. The pre-fault voltage at all buses in the system is 1.0 pu. The voltage magnitude at bus B during a three-phase fault at bus A is 0.8 pu. The voltage magnitude at bus A during a three-phase fault at bus B in pu, is __________.
GATE EE 2016 Set 1
In a 100 bus power system, there are 10 generators. In a particular iteration of Newton Raphson load flow technique (in polar coordinates), two of the PV buses are converted to PQ type. In this iteration.
GATE EE 2016 Set 1
A $$3$$-bus power system network consists of $$3$$ transmission lines. The bus admittance matrix of the uncompensated system is
$$\left[ {\matrix{ { - j6} & {j3} & {j4} \cr {j3} & { - j7} & {j5} \cr {j4} & {j5} & { - j8} \cr } } \right]\,pu$$
If the shunt capacitance of all transmission lines is $$50$$% compensated, the imaginary part of the $$3$$rd row $$3$$rd column element (in $$pu$$) of the bus admittance matrix after compensation is
GATE EE 2015 Set 2
A 183-bus power system has 150PQ buses and 32 PV buses. In the general case, to obtain the load flow solution using Newton-Raphson method in polar coordinates, the minimum number of simultaneous equations to be solved is ___________.
GATE EE 2014 Set 3
The bus admittance matrix of a three-bus three-line system is
$$y = j\left[ {\matrix{ { - 13} & {10} & 5 \cr {10} & { - 18} & {10} \cr 5 & {10} & { - 13} \cr } } \right]$$
If each transmission line between the two buses is represented by an equivalent $$\pi \,$$ network, the magnitude of the shunt susceptance of the line connecting bus $$1$$ and $$2$$ is
GATE EE 2012
A power system consists of $$300$$ buses out of which $$20$$ buses are generator buses, $$25$$ buses are the ones with reactive power support and $$15$$ buses are the ones with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow analysis for the system using Newton-Raphson method. The size of the Newton-Raphson Jacobian matrix is
GATE EE 2003
If the reference bus is changed in two load flow runs with same system data and power obtained for reference bus taken as specified P and Q in the latter run
GATE EE 1996
In load-flow analysis, a voltage-controlled bus is treated as a load bus in subsequent iteration for a _________limit is violated.
GATE EE 1995
In load flow analysis, the load connected at a bus is represented as
GATE EE 1993
In load flow studies of a power system, the quantities specified at a voltage-controlled bus are ____________and___________
GATE EE 1992

Marks 2


For the three-bus lossless power network shown in the figure, the voltage magnitudes at all the buses are equal to 1 per unit (pu), and the differences of the voltage phase angles are very small. The line reactances are marked in the figure, where $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, and $x$ are strictly positive. The bus injections $P_1$ and $P_2$ are in pu. If $P_1 = mP_2$, where $m > 0$, and the real power flow from bus 1 to bus 2 is 0 pu, then which one of the following options is correct?

GATE EE 2024 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 1 English

GATE EE 2024
The per-unit power output of a salient-pole generator which is connected to an infinite bus, is given by the expression, P = 1.4 sin $$\delta $$ + 0.15 sin 2$$\delta $$, where $$\delta $$ is the load angle. Newton-Raphson method is used to calculate the value of $$\delta $$ for P = 0.8 pu. If the initial guess is $$30^\circ $$, then its value (in degree) at the end of the first iteration is
GATE EE 2018
The bus admittance matrix for a power system network is $$$\left[ {\matrix{ { - j39.9} & {j20} & {j20} \cr {j20} & { - j39.9} & {j20} \cr {j20} & {j20} & { - j39.9} \cr } } \right]\,pu.$$$
There is a transmission line connected between buses $$1$$ and $$3,$$ which is represented by the circuit shown in figure. GATE EE 2017 Set 1 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 7 English

If this transmission line is removed from service what is the modified bus admittance matrix?

GATE EE 2017 Set 1
Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion (a) and the Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Fast decoupled load flow method gives approximate load flow solution because it uses several assumptions.
Reason (R): Accuracy depends on the power mismatch vector tolerance.
GATE EE 2015 Set 1
In the following network, the voltage magnitudes at all buses are equal to $$1$$ p.u., the voltage phase angles are very small, and the line resistance are negligible. All the line reactances are equal to $$j1\Omega .$$ GATE EE 2013 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 10 English

The voltage phase angles in rad at buses $$2$$ and $$3$$ are

GATE EE 2013
For a power system network with $$n$$ nodes, $${Z_{33}}$$ of its bus impedance matrix is $$j0.5$$ per unit. The voltage at mode $$3$$ is $$1.3\angle - {10^0}\,\,$$ per unit. If a capacitor having reactance of $$-j3.5$$ per unit is now added to the network between node $$3$$ and the reference node, the current drawn by the capacitor per unit as
GATE EE 2013
In the following network, the voltage magnitudes at all buses are equal to $$1$$ p.u., the voltage phase angles are very small, and the line resistance are negligible. All the line reactances are equal to $$j1\Omega .$$ GATE EE 2013 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 9 English

If the base impedance and the line-to-line base voltage are $$100\Omega $$ and $$\,100kV,\,\,$$ respectively, then the real power in MW delivered by the generator connected at the slack bus is

GATE EE 2013
A three–bus network is shown in the figure below indicating the p.u. impedances of each element GATE EE 2011 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 12 English

The bus admittance matrix, $$Y$$-$$bus,$$ of the network is

GATE EE 2011
For the $${Y_{bus}}$$ matrix of a $$4$$-bus system given in per unit, the buses having shunt elements are $$${Y_{BUS}} = j\left[ {\matrix{ { - 5} & 2 & {2.5} & 0 \cr 2 & { - 10} & {2.5} & 4 \cr {2.5} & {2.5} & { - 9} & 4 \cr 0 & 4 & 4 & { - 8} \cr } } \right]$$$
GATE EE 2009
The Gauss Seidel load flow method has following disadvantages. Tick the incorrect student.
GATE EE 2006
For a power system the admittance and impedance matrices for the fault studies are as follows. $$$\eqalign{ & {Y_{bus}} = \left[ {\matrix{ { - j8.75} & {j1.25} & {j2.50} \cr {j1.25} & { - j6.25} & {j2.50} \cr {j2.50} & {j2.50} & { - j5.00} \cr } } \right] \cr & {Z_{bus}} = \left[ {\matrix{ {j0.16} & {j0.08} & {j0.12} \cr {j0.08} & {j0.24} & {j0.16} \cr {j0.12} & {j0.16} & {j0.34} \cr } } \right] \cr} $$$

The pre-fault voltages are $$1.0$$ $$p.u.$$ at all the buses. The system was unloaded prior to the fault. A solid $$3$$ phase fault takes place at bus $$2.$$

The post fault voltages at buses $$1$$ and $$3$$ in per unit respectively are

GATE EE 2006
For a power system the admittance and impedance matrices for the fault studies are as follows. $$$\eqalign{ & {Y_{bus}} = \left[ {\matrix{ { - j8.75} & {j1.25} & {j2.50} \cr {j1.25} & { - j6.25} & {j2.50} \cr {j2.50} & {j2.50} & { - j5.00} \cr } } \right] \cr & {Z_{bus}} = \left[ {\matrix{ {j0.16} & {j0.08} & {j0.12} \cr {j0.08} & {j0.24} & {j0.16} \cr {j0.12} & {j0.16} & {j0.34} \cr } } \right] \cr} $$$

The pre-fault voltages are $$1.0$$ $$p.u.$$ at all the buses. The system was unloaded prior to the fault. A solid $$3$$ phase fault takes place at bus $$2.$$

The per unit fault feeds from generators connected to buses $$1$$ and $$2$$ respectively are

GATE EE 2006
The network shown in the given figure has impedances in p.u. as indicated. The diagonal element $$Y22$$ of the bus admittance matrix $${Y_{BUS}}$$ of the network is GATE EE 2005 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 17 English
GATE EE 2005
The bus impedance matrix of a $$4$$-bus power system is given by $$${Z_{bus}} = \left[ {\matrix{ {j0.3435} & {j0.2860} & {j0.2723} & {j0.277} \cr {j0.2860} & {j0.3408} & {j0.2586} & {j0.2414} \cr {j0.2723} & {j0.2586} & {j0.2791} & {j0.2209} \cr {j0.2277} & {j0.2414} & {j0.2209} & {j0.2791} \cr } } \right]$$$

A branch having an impedance of $$j0.2\Omega $$ is connected between bus $$2$$ and the reference. Then the values of $${Z_{22,new}}$$ and $${Z_{23,new}}$$ of the bus impedance matrix of the modified network are respectively

GATE EE 2003
A power system consists of 2 areas (Area 1 and Area 2) connected by a single tie line (figure). It is required to carry out a load flow study on this system. While entering the network data, the tie-line data (connectivity and parameters) is inadvertently left out. If the load flow program is run with this incomplete data. GATE EE 2002 Power System Analysis - Load Flow Studies Question 19 English
GATE EE 2002

Marks 5

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