High Voltage Dc Transmission · Power System Analysis · GATE EE
Marks 1
Consider a $$HVDC$$ link which uses thyristor based line commutated converters as shown in the figure. For a power flow of $$750$$ $$MW$$ from System $$1$$ to System $$2,$$ the voltages at the two ends, and the current, are given by: $${V_1} = 500\,kV,\,\,{V_2} = 485\,kV\,\,$$ and $$\,{\rm I} = 1.5\,kA.\,\,$$ If the direction of power flow is to be reversed (that is, from System $$2$$ to System $$1$$) without changing the electrical connections, then which one of the following combinations is feasible?

GATE EE 2015 Set 1
Power is transferred from system $$A$$ to system $$B$$ by an $$HVDC$$ link as shown in the figure. If the voltage $${V_{AB}}$$ and $${V_{CD}}$$ are as indicated in the figure, and 1 > 0, then

GATE EE 2010
Two regional system, each having several synchronous generators and loads are interconnected by an ac line and a HVDC link as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements is true in the steady state:
GATE EE 2007
An HVDC link consists of rectifier, inverter transmission line and other equipments. Which one of the following is true for this link?
GATE EE 2006
High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission is mainly used for
GATE EE 2005
Choose two appropriate auxiliary components of a HVDC transmission system from the following
$$1.$$ D.C. line inductor
$$2.$$ A.C. line inductor
$$3.$$ Reactive power sources
$$4.$$ Distance relays on D.C. line
$$5.$$ Series capacitance of A.C. line
$$1.$$ D.C. line inductor
$$2.$$ A.C. line inductor
$$3.$$ Reactive power sources
$$4.$$ Distance relays on D.C. line
$$5.$$ Series capacitance of A.C. line
GATE EE 2003
Out of the considerations (i) to (iv) listed below,
(i) No distance limitation related to steady state stability
(ii) No reactive power requirement from the system at the two terminals
(iii) No substantial effect on fault level of the two systems at the terminals inspite of the inter connection
(iv) no corona problems
The considerations which constitute advantages of HVDC transmission are
(i) No distance limitation related to steady state stability
(ii) No reactive power requirement from the system at the two terminals
(iii) No substantial effect on fault level of the two systems at the terminals inspite of the inter connection
(iv) no corona problems
The considerations which constitute advantages of HVDC transmission are
GATE EE 2000
Bulk power transmission over long HVDC lines are preferred, on account of
GATE EE 1998
HVDC transmission is preferred to EHV __ AC because
GATE EE 1994