Error Analysis and Measurement · Electrical and Electronics Measurement · GATE EE
Marks 1
Two resistors with nominal resistance values $${R_1}$$ and $${R_2}$$ have additive uncertainties $$\Delta {R_1}$$ and $$\Delta {R_2},$$ respectively. When these resistances are connected in parallel, the standard deviation of the error in the equivalent resistance $$R$$ is
GATE EE 2017 Set 2
The following measurements are obtained on a single phase load: $$V = 220 V$$ $$ \pm $$$$1$$%. $${\rm I}$$$$= 5.0$$ $$A$$ $$ \pm \,1$$% and $$W=555$$ $$W$$ $$ \pm \,2$$%. If the power factor is calculated using these measurements, the worst case error in the calculated power factor in percent is _________. (Give answer up to one decimal place.)
GATE EE 2017 Set 1
A capacitive voltage divider is used to measure the bus voltage Vbus in a high-voltage 50Hz AC system as shown in the figure. The measurement capacitors C1 and C2 have tolerances of $$ \pm $$10% on their nominal capacitance values. If the bus voltage Vbus is 100 kV rms, the maximum rms output voltage Vout (in kV), considering the capacitor tolerances, is __________.

GATE EE 2015 Set 2
Fringing in capacitive type transducer can be minimized by providing a _________
GATE EE 1995
A precise measurement guarantees accuracy of the measured quantity.
GATE EE 1994
A metal strain gauge has gauge factor of two, it's nominal resistance is $$120$$ Ohms. It is undergoes a strain of $${10^{ - 5}},$$ the value of change of resistance in response to the strain is
GATE EE 1993
A resistance is measured by the voltmeter- ammeter method employing d.c. excitation and a voltmeter of very high resistance connected directly across the unknown resistance. If the voltmeter and ammeter readings are subject to maximum possible errors of $$ \pm 2.4\% $$ and $$ \pm 1.0\% $$ respectively, then the magnitude of the maximum possible percentage error in the value of resistance deduced from the measurement is nearly
GATE EE 1992
Marks 2
Suppose that resistors $${R_1}$$ ܴand $${R_2}$$ ܴare connected in parallel to give an equivalent resistor $$R.$$ If resistors ܴ$${R_1}$$ and $${R_2}$$ ܴ have tolerance of $$1$$% each, the equivalent resistor ܴ$$R$$ for resistors ܴ$${R_1}$$$$=300$$ $$\Omega $$ and ܴ$${R_2} = 200\Omega $$ will have tolerance of
GATE EE 2014 Set 2
A variable $$'w'$$ is related to three other variables $$x, y, z$$ as $$w=xy/z.$$ The variables are measured with meters of accuracy$$ \pm $$ $$0.5$$% reading, $$ \pm 1\% $$ of full scale value and $$ \pm 1.5\% $$ reading the actual readings of the three meters are $$80,20$$ and $$50$$ with $$100$$ being the full scale value for all three. The maximum uncertainty in the measurement of $$'w'$$ will be
GATE EE 2006
The set-up in the figure is used to measure resistance $$R$$. The ammeter and voltmeter resistances are $$0.01$$$$\Omega $$ and $$2000$$$$\Omega $$, respectively. Their readings are $$2A$$ and $$180$$ $$V$$, respectively, giving a measured resistance of $$90$$ $$\Omega $$. The percentage error in the measurement is

GATE EE 2005
Resistances $${R_1}$$ and $${R_2}$$ have, respectively, nominal values of $$10\Omega $$ and $$5\Omega ,$$ and tolerances of $$ \pm 5\% $$ and $$ \pm 10\% $$. The range of values for the parallel combination of $${R_1}$$ and $${R_2}$$ is
GATE EE 2001
Two $$100$$ $$\mu A$$ full scale $$PMMC$$ meters are employed to construct a $$10$$ $$V$$ and a $$100$$ $$V$$ full scale voltmeter. These meters will have figures of merit (sensitivities) as
GATE EE 1999
In the circuit shown in fig. For measuring resistance $$'R'$$ if the ammeter indicates $$1$$ $$A$$ and the voltmeter indicate $$100V$$, then the value of $$R$$ is ___________ Ohms and the error in measurement using the ratio $$V/$$$${\rm I}$$ is ________%

GATE EE 1997