Operational Amplifier · Analog Electronics · GATE EE
Marks 1
The steady state output (Vout), of the circuit shown below, will

P. $$\,\,\,\,$$High common mode rejection ratio
Q. $$\,\,\,\,$$High input impedance
R. $$\,\,\,\,$$High linearity
S. $$\,\,\,\,$$High output impedance

The cut-off frequencies of $$F1$$ and $$F2$$ are $${f_1}$$ and $${f_2}$$ respectively. If $${f_1}\, < \,{f_2},$$ the resultant circuit exhibits the characteristic of a

The output of the circuit for a given input $${V_i}$$ is

Marks 2
A difference amplifier is shown in the figure. Assume the op-amp to be ideal. The CMRR (in dB) of the difference amplifier is ________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

Consider the OP AMP based circuit shown in the figure. Ignore the conduction drops of diodes $$D_1$$ and $$D_2$$. All the components are ideal and the breakdown voltage of the Zener is 5 V. Which of the following statements is true?
The output impedance of a non-ideal operational amplifier is denoted by Zout. The variation in the magnitude of Zout with increasing frequency, f, in the circuit shown below, is best represented by
The current gain (Iout/Iin) in the circuit with an ideal current amplifier given below is

Which one of the following is TRUE?

If the lower and upper trigger level voltages are $$0.9$$ $$V$$ and $$1.7$$ $$V,$$ the period (in $$ms$$), for which output is LOW, is ____________.

It is desired to make full wave rectifier using two half wave rectifiers. The resultant circuit will be

If $${R_1} = {R_2} = {R_A}$$ and $${R_3} = {R_4} = {R_B},$$ the circuit acts as a

The output of the filter in above is given to the circuit shown in figure The gain $${V_S}$$ frequency characteristic of the $$0/p$$ $$\left( {{V_0}} \right)$$ will be

If the voltage $${v_1}$$ is made $$+2.5$$ $$V,$$ the voltage waveform at $$'P'$$ will become.

$$T\left( s \right) = {{{{ - s} \over {\left( {{R_1}C} \right)}}} \over {{s^2} + {{2s} \over {\left( {{R_3}C} \right)}} + {1 \over {\left( {R{R_3}{C^2}} \right)}}}}$$
where, $$R = {R_1}||{R_2}$$
If $${R_1} = 2k\Omega ,{R_2} = 2/3\,k\Omega ,\,\,{R_3} = 200\,k\Omega $$ and $$C = 0.1\,\,\mu F,$$ determine the center frequency $${\omega _0},$$ gain $${A_0}$$ and the $$Q$$ of the filter.
List - $${\rm I}$$ (Circuit)

List - $${\rm II}$$ (Functions)
$$(P)$$$$\,\,\,\,\,$$ High-pass filter
$$(Q)$$$$\,\,\,\,\,$$ Amplifier
$$(R)$$$$\,\,\,\,\,$$ Comparator
$$(S)$$$$\,\,\,\,\,$$ Low-pass filter

$${{{d^2}V} \over {d{t^2}}} + a.{{dV} \over {dt}} + bV = f\left( t \right).$$
Find $$a,b$$ and $$f(t)$$

Marks 5

$${R_i} = 100\,k\Omega ,\,\,{R_0} = 50\,k\Omega .$$ For $${V_0} = 10V.$$
Calculate $${V_S}$$ and $${{{V_0}} \over {{V_S}}}$$ and estimate the input resistance of the circuit,

$$(i)$$ Calculate the transfer function $${{{V_0}} \over {{V_i}}}$$
$$(ii)$$ plot the amplitude and phase response as a function for $$R = {R_1}$$
$$(a)$$ Draw the equivalent circuit and evaluate the gain $$\left( {{V_0}\,\,vs\,\,{V_i}} \right)$$ of the circuit for

$$(i)$$ $${V_i} \le 0$$ $$\,\,\,\,\,\left( {ii} \right)\,\,\,0 < {V_i} < 5V\,\,\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,\,\left( {iii} \right)\,\,\,{V_i} > 5V\,\,\,\,\,\,$$
$$(b)$$ Sketch the gain $$\left( {{V_0}\,\,\,{V_s}\,\,\,{V_i}} \right)$$ characteristics of the above circuit and label the salient features.