2N2O5 (g) $$\to$$ 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g)
2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 4H+(aq) $$\to$$ 2Fe2+ (aq) + 2H2O (l); Eo = 1.67 V
At [Fe2+] = 10-3 M, P(O2) = 0.1 atm and pH = 3, the cell potential at 25oC is
Column I
(A) CO2(s) $$\to$$ CO2(g)
(B) CaCO3(s) $$\to$$ CaO(s) + CO2(g)
(C) 2H $$\to$$ H2(g)
(D) P(white, solid) $$\to$$ P(red, solid)
Column II
(p) phase transition
(q) allotropic change
(r) $$\Delta H$$ is positive
(s) $$\Delta S$$ is positive
(t) $$\Delta S$$ is negative
Among the following complexes (K-P),
K3[Fe(CN)6] (K), [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 (L), Na3[Co(oxalate)3] (M), [Ni(H2O)3]Cl2 (N), K2[Pt(CN)4] (O) and [Zn(H2O)6(NO3)2] (P)
The diamagnetic complexes are
The major product of the following reaction is
Passing H2S gas into a mixture of Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions in an acidified aqueous solution precipitates
Amongst the compounds given, the one that would from a brilliant coloured dye on treatment with NaNO2 in dil. HCl followed by addition to an alkaline solution of $$\beta$$-naphthlol is
The following carbohydrate is
The equilibrium
$$2C{u^+} \to Cu^\circ + C{u^{2+}}$$
In aqueous medium at 25$$^\circ$$C shifts towards the left in the presence of
The correct functional group X and the reagent/reaction condition Y in the following scheme are
Reduction of the metal centre in aqueous permanganate ion involves
The total number of contributing structure showing hyper-conjugation (involving C-H bonds) for the following carbocation is _________.
Among the following, the number of compounds that can react with PCl5 to given POCl3 is _____________.
O2, CO2, SO2, H2O, H2SO4, P4O10
The volume (in mL) of 0.1 M AgNO3 required for complete precipitation of chloride ions present in 30 mL of 0.01 M solution of $$[Cr{({H_2}O)_5}Cl]C{l_2}$$, as silver chloride is close to ____________.
The maximum number of isomers (including stereoisomers) that are possible on mono-chlorination of the following compound, is ____________.
Match the reactions in Column I with appropriate types of steps/reactive intermediate involved in these reactions as given in Column II :
Column I | Column II | ||
(A) | ![]() |
(P) | Nucleophilic substitution |
(B) | ![]() |
(Q) | Electrophilic substitution |
(C) | ![]() |
(R) | Dehydration |
(D) | ![]() |
(S) | Nucleophilic |
(T) | Carbanion |
$$a + b + c = x$$
$$a + b\omega + c{\omega ^2} = y$$
$$a + b{\omega ^2} + c\omega = z$$
Then the value of $${{{{\left| x \right|}^2} + {{\left| y \right|}^2} + {{\left| z \right|}^2}} \over {{{\left| a \right|}^2} + {{\left| b \right|}^2} + {{\left| c \right|}^2}}}$$ is
have one root in common is
If $$S = \left\{ {\left( {2,\,{3 \over 4}} \right),\,\left( {{5 \over 2},\,{3 \over 4}} \right),\,\left( {{1 \over 4} - \,{1 \over 4}} \right),\,\left( {{1 \over 8},\,{1 \over 4}} \right)} \right\}$$ then the number of points (s) in S lying inside the smaller part is
$$f\left( x \right) = f\left( {1 - x} \right)$$ for all $$x \in \left[ { - 1,2} \right]$$
Let $${R_1} = \int\limits_{ - 1}^2 {xf\left( x \right)dx,} $$ and $${R_2}$$ be the area of the region bounded by $$y=f(x),$$ $$x=-1,$$ $$x=2,$$ and the $$x$$-axis. Then
$$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ Column-$$I$$
(A) $$\,\,\,\,$$If $$\overrightarrow a = \widehat j + \sqrt 3 \widehat k,\overrightarrow b = - \widehat j + \sqrt 3 \widehat k$$ and $$\overrightarrow c = 2\sqrt 3 \widehat k$$ form a triangle, then the internal angle of the triangle between $$\overrightarrow a $$ and $$\overrightarrow b $$ is
(B)$$\,\,\,\,$$ If $$\int\limits_a^b {\left( {f\left( x \right) - 3x} \right)dx = {a^2} - {b^2},} $$ then the value of $$f$$ $$\left( {{\pi \over 6}} \right)$$ is
(C)$$\,\,\,\,$$ The value of $${{{\pi ^2}} \over {\ell n3}}\int\limits_{7/6}^{5/6} {\sec \left( {\pi x} \right)dx} $$ is
(D)$$\,\,\,\,$$ The maximum value of $$\left| {Arg\left( {{1 \over {1 - z}}} \right)} \right|$$ for $$\left| z \right| = 1,\,z \ne 1$$ is given by
$$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\,\,\,\,$$ Column-$$II$$
(p)$$\,\,\,\,$$ $${{\pi \over 6}}$$
(q)$$\,\,\,\,$$ $${{2\pi \over 3}}$$
(r)$$\,\,\,\,$$ $${{\pi \over 3}}$$
(s)$$\,\,\,\,$$ $$\pi $$
(t) $$\,\,\,\,$$ $${{\pi \over 2}}$$
If $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 0} {[1 + x\ln (1 + {b^2})]^{1/x}} = 2b{\sin ^2}\theta $$, $$b > 0$$ and $$\theta \in ( - \pi ,\pi ]$$, then the value of $$\theta$$ is
Let f(x) = x2 and g(x) = sin x for all x $$\in$$ R. Then the set of all x satisfying $$(f \circ g \circ g \circ f)(x) = (g \circ g \circ f)(x)$$, where $$(f \circ g)(x) = f(g(x))$$, is
Let $$\omega$$ $$\ne$$ 1 be a cube root of unity and S be the set of all non-singular matrices of the form $$\left[ {\matrix{ 1 & a & b \cr \omega & 1 & c \cr {{\omega ^2}} & \omega & 1 \cr } } \right]$$, where each of a, b, and c is either $$\omega$$ or $$\omega$$2. Then the number of distinct matrices in the set S is
If $$f(x) = \left\{ {\matrix{ { - x - {\pi \over 2},} & {x \le - {\pi \over 2}} \cr { - \cos x} & { - {\pi \over 2} < x \le 0} \cr {x - 1} & {0 < x \le 1} \cr {\ln x} & {x > 1} \cr } } \right.$$, then
Let $$f:(0,1) \to R$$ be defined by $$f(x) = {{b - x} \over {1 - bx}}$$, where b is a constant such that $$0 < b < 1$$. Then
Let L be a normal to the parabola y2 = 4x. If L passes through the point (9, 6), then L is given by
Let M be a 3 $$\times$$ 3 matrix satisfying $$M\left[ {\matrix{ 0 \cr 1 \cr 0 \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ { - 1} \cr 2 \cr 3 \cr } } \right]$$, $$M\left[ {\matrix{ 1 \cr { - 1} \cr 0 \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 \cr 1 \cr { - 1} \cr } } \right]$$ and $$M\left[ {\matrix{ 1 \cr 1 \cr 1 \cr } } \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 \cr 0 \cr {12} \cr } } \right]$$. Then the sum of the diagonal entries of M is ___________.
Match the statements given in Column I with the intervals/union of intervals given in Column II :

A ball of mass 0.2 kg rests on a vertical post of height 5 m. A bullet of mass 0.01 kg, traveling with a velocity V m/s in a horizontal direction, hits the center of the ball. After the collision, the ball and bullet travel independently. The ball hits the ground at a distance of 20 m and the bullet at a distance of 100 m from the foot of the post. The velocity V of the bullet is
A block of mass 0.18 kg is attached to a spring of force-constant 2 N/m. The coefficient of friction between the block and the floor is 0.1. Initially the block is at rest and the spring is un-stretched. An impulse is given to the block as shown in the figure. The block slides a distance of 0.06 m and comes to rest for the first time. The initial velocity of the block in m/s is V = N/10. Then N is
A light ray travelling in glass medium is incident on glass-air interface at an angle of incidence $$\theta$$. The reflected (R) and transmitted (T) intensities, both as function of $$\theta$$, are plotted. The correct sketch is
A long insulated copper wire is closely wound as a spiral of N turns. The spiral has inner radius a and outer radius b. The spiral lies in the xy-plane and a steady current I flows through the wire. The z-component of the magnetic field at the centre of the spiral is
Two solid spheres A and B of equal volumes but of different densities dA and dB are connected by a string. They are fully immersed in a fluid of density dF. They get arranged into an equilibrium state as shown in the figure with a tension in the string. The arrangement is possible only if
A thin ring of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5 m is rolling without on a horizontal plane with velocity 1 m/s. A small ball of mass 0.1 kg, moving with velocity 20 m/s in the opposite direction hits the ring at a height of 0.75 m and goes vertically up with velocity 10 m/s. Immediately after the collision,
A series RC-current is connected to AC voltage source. Consider two cases : (A) When C is without a dielectric medium and (B) when C is filled with dielectric of constant 4. The current IR through the resistor and voltage VC across the capacitor are compared in the two cases. Which of the following is/are true?
A series RC combination is connected to an AC voltage of angular frequency $$\omega$$ = 500 rad/s. If the impedance of the RC circuit is R$$\sqrt{1.25}$$, the time constant (in millisecond) of the circuit is __________.
A silver sphere of radius 1 cm and work function 4.7 eV is suspended from an insulating thread in free-space. It is under continuous illumination of 200 nm wavelength light. As photoelectrons are emitted, the sphere gets charged and acquires a potential. The maximum number of photoelectrons emitted from the spheres is A $$\times$$ 10Z (where 1 < A < 10). The value of Z is _____________.
Two batteries of different emfs and different internal resistance are connected as shown. The voltage across AB in volts is __________.
Water (with refractive index = 4/3) in a tank is 18 cm deep. Oil of refractive index 7/4 lies on water making a convex surface of radius of curvature R = 6 cm as shown. Consider oil to act a thin lens. An object S is placed 24 cm above water surface. The location of its image is at x cm above the bottom of the tank. Then x is __________.
One mole of a monatomic gas is taken through a cycle ABCDA as shown in the PV diagram. Column II give the characteristics involved in the cycle. Match them with each of the processes given in Column I.
Column I | Column II | ||
(A) | Process A$$ \to $$ B | (P) | Internal energy decreases. |
(B) | Process B$$ \to $$C | (Q) | Internal energy increase. |
(C) | Process C$$ \to $$D | (R) | Heat is lost. |
(D) | Process D$$ \to $$A | (S) | Heat is gained. |
(T) | Work is done on the gas. |
Column I shows four systems, each of the same length L, for producing standing waves. The lowest possible natural frequency of a system is called its fundamental frequency, whose wavelength is denoted as $$\lambda$$f. Match each system with statements given in Column II describing the nature and wavelength of the standing waves :