When wavelength of incident radiation on the metal surface is reduced from '$$\lambda_1$$' to '$$\lambda_2$$', the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is tripled. The work function of metal [$$\mathrm{h}=$$ Plank's constant, $$\mathrm{c}=$$ velocity of light]
An electron of mass '$$m$$' and a photon have same energy '$$E$$'. The ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of electron to the wavelength of photon is $$(\mathrm{c}=$$ velocity of light)
When a photon enters glass from air, which one of the following quantity does not change?
The light of wavelength '$$\lambda$$' is incident on the surface of metal of work function $$\phi$$ and emits the electron. The maximum velocity of electron emitted is [$$\mathrm{m}=$$ mass of electron and $$\mathrm{h}=$$ Planck's constant, $$\mathrm{c}=$$ velocity of light]