Chemistry in Everyday Life · Chemistry · MHT CET
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Identify the source of linen from following:
Which is the most commonly used refrigerant Freon-12?
Which of the following is a structural formula of DDT?
Which among the following statements is TRUE about gammexane?
Which among the following compounds represents a soap molecule?
Which among the following is a source of wool?
Sunscreen lotions contains nanoparticles of
Identify tranquiliser from the following?
Which of the following is not an example of antiseptic drug?
Which of the following is not a character of ideal drug?
Which of the following molecule does not contain oxygen?
Which among the following is used as refrigerants and for air conditioning?
Which of the following is not present in baking powder?
Which among the following is antioxident?
Which element among the following is not present in saccharine?
A flavouring agent found in oil of wintergreen is
Veronal is used as a/an
Which of the following is not a broad spectrum antibiotics ?
Which among the following compounds is used to decaffeinate coffee?
Which among the following compounds is used as selective weed killer?
The bacteriostatic antibiotic from the following is
Which of the following is not as antiseptic compound?