GATE ME 2013
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Water (specific heat, $${c_p} = 4.18\,\,kJ/kgK$$ ) enters a pipe at a rate of $$0.01$$ $$kg/s$$ and temperature of $${20^ \circ }C.$$ The pipe, of diameter $$50$$ $$mm$$ and length $$3$$ $$m,$$ is subjected to a wall heat flux $${q_w}$$ in $$W/{m^2}:$$
If $${q_w}$$ $$=5000$$ and the convection heat transfer coefficient at the pipe outlet is $$1000$$ $$W/{m^2}K,$$ the temperature in $$^ \circ C$$ at the inner surface of the pipe at the outlet is
GATE ME 2012
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Water $$\left( {{C_p} = 4.18\,kJ/kg.K} \right)$$ at $${80^ \circ }C$$ enters a counter flow heat exchanger with a mass flow rate of $$0.5kg/s.$$ Air $$\left( {{C_p} = 1\,kJ/kg.\,K} \right)$$ enters at $${80^ \circ }C$$ with a mass flow rate $$2.09$$ $$kg/s.$$ If the effectiveness of the heat exchanger is $$0.8,$$ the $$LMTD$$ (in $$^ \circ C$$) is
GATE ME 2009
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In a parallel flow heat exchanger operating under steady state, the heat capacity rates (product of specific heat at constant pressure and mass flow rate) of the hot and cold fluid are equal. The hot fluid, flowing at $$1kg/sec$$ with $$sp.$$ heat $$= 4kJ/kgK,$$ enters the heat exchanger at $${102^ \circ }C$$ while the cold fluid has an inlet temperature of $${15^ \circ }C$$. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat exchanger is estimated to be $$1\,\,kW/{m^2}K$$ and the corresponding heat transfer surface area is $$5{m^2}$$. Neglect heat transfer between the heat exchanger and the ambient.
The heat exchanger is characterized by the following relation $$2\varepsilon = 1 - Exp\left( { - 2NTU} \right).$$ The exit temp (in $$^ \circ C$$) for the cold fluid is
GATE ME 2008
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The $$LMTD$$ of a counter flow heat exchanger is $${20^ \circ }C$$. The cold fluid enters at $${20^ \circ }C$$ and the hot fluid enters at $${100^ \circ }C$$. Mass flow rate of the cold fluid is twice that of the hot fluid. specific heat at constant pressure of the fluid is twice that of the cold fluid. The exit temperature of the cold fluid is
Questions Asked from Heat Exchangers (Marks 2)
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GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Design
Fluid Mechanics
Turbo Machinery
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
General Aptitude