GATE ME 2001
Stream at $$300$$ $$kPa$$ and $${500^ \circ }C\,\,\left( {h = 3486.0\,\,kJ/kg} \right)$$ enters a steam turbine and exits at atmospheric pressure and $${350^ \circ }C\,\,\left( {h = 3175.8\,\,kJ/kg} \right).$$ Heat losses in turbine are $$50$$ $$kW$$ and the mass flow rate is $$0.25$$ $$kg/s$$. Determine the power output of the turbine if kinetic energy losses are negligible.
GATE ME 2000
A simple impulse turbine expands steam frictionlessly from $$12$$ bar, $${250^0}C$$ with an enthalpy of $$2935$$ $$kJ/kg$$ to an enthalpy of $$2584$$ $$kJ/kg$$ at $$0.1$$ bar. Assuming that the nozzle makes an angle of $${20^0}$$ with the blade motion, and that the blades are symmetrical, find the blade velocity that produces maximum efficiency for a turbine speed of $$3600$$ rev/min. assume that the steam enters the nozzle with negligible velocity.
GATE ME 1999
An adiabatic steam turbine receives dry saturated steam at $$1.0\,\,\,MN/{m^2}$$ and discharges it $$0.1\,\,\,MN/{m^2}.$$ The steam flow rate is $$3$$ $$kg/s$$ and the moisture at exit in negligible. If the ambient temperature is $$300$$ $$K,$$ determine the rate of entropy production and the lost power.

GATE ME 1998
A Rankine cycle operates between pressures of $$80$$ bar and $$0.1$$ bar. The maximum cycle temperature is $${600^ \circ }C.$$ If the steam turbine and condensate pump efficiencies are $$0.9$$ and $$0.8$$, respectively, calculate the specific work and thermal efficiency. Relevant steam table extract is given below:

Questions Asked from Rankine Cycle (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude