GATE EE 2024
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If the Z-transform of a finite-duration discrete-time signal $x[n]$ is $X(z)$, then the Z-transform of the signal $y[n] = x[2n]$ is
GATE EE 2023
The discrete-time Fourier transform of a signal $$x[n]$$ is $$X(\Omega ) = (1 + \cos \Omega ){e^{ - j\Omega }}$$. Consider that $${x_p}[n]$$ is a periodic signal of period N = 5 such that
$${x_p}[n] = x[n]$$, for $$n = 0,1,2$$
= 0, for $$n = 3,4$$
Note that $${x_p}[n] = \sum\nolimits\limits_{k = 0}^{n - 1} {{a_k}{e^{j{{2\pi } \over N}kn}}} $$. The magnitude of the Fourier series coeffiient $$a_3$$ is __________ (Round off to 3 decimal places).
Your input ____
GATE EE 2017 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A cascade system having the impulse responses $$$\begin{array}{l}h_1\left(n\right)=\left\{1,\;-1\right\}\;\;\;and\;\;h_2\left(n\right)=\left\{1,\;1\right\}\\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\uparrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\uparrow\end{array}$$$ is shown in the
figure below, where symbol $$\uparrow$$ denotes the time origin.
The input sequence x(n) for which the cascade system produces an output sequence

GATE EE 2015 Set 1
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider a discrete time signal given by
The region of convergence of its Z-transform would be
The region of convergence of its Z-transform would be
Questions Asked from Discrete Time Signal Z Transformation (Marks 2)
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GATE EE Subjects
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power Electronics
Power System Analysis
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Digital Electronics
Electrical Machines
Electric Circuits