GATE ME 1995
If under a condition of plain turning the life of the cutting tool decreases by $$50\% $$ due to increase in the cutting velocity by $$20\% $$, then what is the $$\% $$ increase in tool life due to reduction in the cutting velocity by $$20%$$ from its original value.
GATE ME 1994
A single point cutting tool made of $$HSS$$ has the value of constant $$'C'$$ $$80,$$ and $$n=0.2$$ in the basic tool life equation. If the tool cost per regrind is Rs $$2$$ and the vmachine hour rate is Rs. $$30,$$ determine the most economical cutting speed (tool cost includes the cost of time spent on changing.
GATE ME 1994
A mild steel block of width $$40$$ $$mm$$ is being milled using a straight slab cutter $$70mm$$ diameter with $$30$$teeth. If the cutter rotates at $$40$$$$rpm$$ and the depth of cut is $$2mm,$$ determine the value of maximum uncut chip thickness when the table feed is $$20mm/min$$
GATE ME 1992
In an orthogonal cutting operation on a work piece of width $$2.5mm,$$ the uncut chip thickness was $$0.25$$ $$mm$$ and the tool rake angle was $$0$$(zero) degrees. It was observed that the chip thickness was $$1.25mm.$$ The cutting force was measured to be $$900N$$ and the thrust force was found to be $$450N.$$ Find the mean shear strength of the work piece material and if the coefficient of friction between the chip and the tool was $$0.5,$$ what is the machining constant.
Questions Asked from Metal Cutting (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Design
Fluid Mechanics
Turbo Machinery
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
General Aptitude