GATE ME 2015 Set 1
Temperature of nitrogen in a vessel of volume $$2{m^3}$$ is $$288$$ $$K.$$ $$A$$ $$U$$-tube manometer connected to the vessel shows a reading of $$70$$ $$cm$$ of mercury (level higher in the end open to atmosphere). The universal gas constant is $$8314$$ $$J/kmol$$-$$K,$$ atmospheric pressure is $$1.01325$$ bar, acceleration due to gravity is $$9.81$$ $$m/{s^2}$$ and density of mercury is $$13600$$ $$kg/{m^3}.$$ The mass of nitrogen (in $$kg$$) in the vessel is _________
Your input ____
GATE ME 2014 Set 3
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A certain amount of an ideal gas is initially at a pressure $${p_1}$$ and temperature $${T_1}$$. First, it undergoes a constant pressure process $$1$$-$$2$$ such that $$T{}_2 = 3{T_1}/4.$$ Then, it undergoes a constant volume process $$2$$-$$3$$ such that $${T_3} = {T_1}/2.$$ The ratio of the final volume to the initial volume of the ideal gas is
GATE ME 2006
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Match items from groups, $${\rm I},$$ $${\rm II},$$ $${\rm III},$$ $${\rm IV}$$ and $$V$$

GATE ME 2006
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A football was inflated to a gauge pressure of $$1$$ bar when the ambient temperature was $${15^ \circ }C$$. When the game started next day, the air temperature at the stadium was $${5^ \circ }C$$.
Assume that the volume of the football remains constant at $$2500c{m^3}$$
Assume that the volume of the football remains constant at $$2500c{m^3}$$
The amount of heat lost by the air in the football and the gauge pressure of air in the football at the stadium respectively equal
Questions Asked from Basic Concepts and Zeroth Law (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude