The three-bus power system shown in the figure has one alternator connected to bus 2 which supplies 200 MW and 40 MVAr power. Bus 3 is infinite bus having a voltage of magnitude $$|{V_3}| = 1.0$$ p.u. and angle of $$-15^\circ$$. A variable current source, $$|I|\angle \phi $$ is connected at bus 1 and controlled such that the magnitude of the bus 1 voltage is maintained at 1.05 p.u. and the phase angle of the source current, $$\phi = {\theta _1} \pm {\pi \over 2}$$, where $$\theta_1$$ is the phase angle of the bus 1 voltage. The three buses can be categorized for load flow analysis as

$${G_1} = 250\,\,MVA.\,\,\,15kV,\,\,$$ positive sequence $$X = 25$$% on its own base
$${G_2} = 100\,\,MVA.\,\,\,15kV,\,$$ positive sequence $$X = 10$$% on its own base
$${L_1}$$ and $${L_2}$$ $$= 10$$ $$km,$$ positive sequence $$ X = 0.225$$ $$\,\,\Omega /km$$
In the above system the three-phase fault $$MVA$$ at the bus $$3$$ is

$${G_1} = 250\,\,MVA.\,\,\,15kV,\,\,$$ positive sequence $$X = 25$$% on its own base
$${G_2} = 100\,\,MVA.\,\,\,15kV,\,$$ positive sequence $$X = 10$$% on its own base
$${L_1}$$ and $${L_2}$$ $$= 10$$ $$km,$$ positive sequence $$ X = 0.225$$ $$\,\,\Omega /km$$
For the above system, the positive sequence diagram with the p.u values on the $$100$$ $$MVA$$ common
$$G1: 25$$ $$kV,$$ $$100$$ $$MVA,$$ $$X=9$$%
$$G2: 25$$ $$kV,$$ $$100$$ $$MVA,$$ $$X=9$$%
$$T1: 25$$ $$kV/220$$ $$kV,$$ $$90$$ $$MVA,$$ $$X=12$$%
$$T2: 220$$ $$kV/ 25$$ $$kV,$$ $$90$$ $$MVA,$$ $$X=12$$%
$$Line$$ $$1: 220$$ $$kV,$$ $$X= 150$$ $$ohms$$

Choose $$25$$ $$kV$$ as the base voltage at the generator $$G1,$$ and $$200$$ $$MVA$$ as the $$MVA$$ base. The impedance diagram is