GATE ME 2024
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The phases present in pearlite are
GATE ME 2023
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
The principal stresses at a point P in a solid are 70 MPa, −70 MPa and 0. The yield stress of the material is 100 MPa. Which prediction(s) about material failure at P is/are CORRECT?
GATE ME 2023
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
Which of the plot(s) shown is/are valid Mohr’s circle representations of a plane stress state in a material? (The center of each circle is indicated by O.)

GATE ME 2022 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A structural member under loading has a uniform state of plane stress which in usual notations is given by σx = 3P, σy = -2P and τxy = √2 P, where P > 0. The yield strength of the material is 350 MPa. If the member is designed using the maximum distortion energy theory, then the value of P at which yielding starts (according to the maximum distortion energy theory) is
Questions Asked from Complex Stresses (Marks 1)
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GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude