GATE ME 2018 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A house has a number which needs to be identified. The following three statements are
given that can help in identifying the house number.
i. If the house number is a multiple of 3, then it is a number from 50 to 59.
ii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 4, then it is a number from 60 to 69.
iii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 6, then it is a number from 70 to 79.
What is the house number?
i. If the house number is a multiple of 3, then it is a number from 50 to 59.
ii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 4, then it is a number from 60 to 69.
iii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 6, then it is a number from 70 to 79.
What is the house number?
GATE ME 2018 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Forty students watched films A, B and C over a week. Each student watched either only
one film or all three. Thirteen students watched film A, sixteen students watched film B
and nineteen students watched film C. How many students watched all three films?
GATE ME 2018 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A contract is to be completed in 52 days and 125 identical robots were employed, each
operational for 7 hours a day. After 39 days, five-seventh of the work was completed. How
many additional robots would be required to complete the work on time, if each robot is
now operational for 8 hours a day?
GATE ME 2018 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A wire would enclose an area of 1936 m2
, if it is bent into a square. The wire is cut into
two pieces. The longer piece is thrice as long as the shorter piece. The long and the short
pieces are bent into a square and a circle, respectively. Which of the following choices is
closest to the sum of the areas enclosed by the two pieces in square meters?
Questions Asked from Numerical Ability (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude