GATE ME 2024
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The change in kinetic energy $\Delta E$ of an engine is $300$ J, and minimum and maximum shaft speeds are $\omega_{min} = 220$ rad/s and $\omega_{max} = 280$ rad/s, respectively. Assume that the torque-time function is purely harmonic. To achieve a coefficient of fluctuation of $0.05$, the moment of inertia (in kg.m$^2$) of the flywheel to be mounted on the engine shaft is
GATE ME 2015 Set 1
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider a slider crank mechanism with nonzero masses and inertia. A constant torque $$\tau $$ is applied on the crank as shown in the figure. Which of the following plots best resembles variation of crank angle, $$\theta $$ versus time

GATE ME 2012
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A circular solid disc of uniform thickness $$20mm,$$ radius $$200mm$$ and $$mass$$ $$20kg,$$ is used as a fly wheel. If it rotates at $$600$$ $$rpm,$$ the kinetic energy of the flywheel, in joules is
GATE ME 2001
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Which of the following statement is correct?
Questions Asked from Flywheel (Marks 1)
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GATE ME Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Machine Design
Strength of Materials
Heat Transfer
Production Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Turbo Machinery
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
General Aptitude