GATE EE 2023
MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)
The bus admittance ($$Y_{bus}$$) matrix of a 3-bus power system is given below.
$$\quad\quad$$$$\matrix{ 1 & \quad\quad\quad2\quad\quad & 3 \cr } $$
$$\matrix{ 1 \cr 2 \cr 3 \cr } \left[ {\matrix{ { - j15} & {j10} & {j5} \cr {j10} & { - j13.5} & {j4} \cr {j5} & {j4} & { - j8} \cr } } \right]$$
Considering that there is no shunt inductor connected to any of the buses, which of the following can NOT be true?
GATE EE 2005
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The p.u. parameters for a $$500$$ MVA machine on its own base are:
Inertia, M = $$20$$ p.u.; reactance X = $$2$$ p.u. The p.u. values of inertia and reactance on $$100$$ MVA common base, respectively are
Inertia, M = $$20$$ p.u.; reactance X = $$2$$ p.u. The p.u. values of inertia and reactance on $$100$$ MVA common base, respectively are
Questions Asked from Per Unit System (Marks 1)
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GATE EE Subjects
Electric Circuits
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Electrical Machines
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power System Analysis
Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Power Electronics