GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The r.m.s value of the current i(t) in the circuit shown below is
GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The voltage applied to a circuit is $$100\sqrt2\cos\left(100\mathrm{πt}\right)$$ volts and the circuit draws
a current of $$10\sqrt2\;\sin\left(100\mathrm{πt}+\mathrm\pi/4\right)$$ amperes. Taking the voltage as the
reference phasor, the phasor representation of the current in amperes is
GATE EE 2004
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The value of $$Z$$ in Fig., which is most appropriate to cause parallel resonance at $$500$$ $$Hz$$ is
GATE EE 2001
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In a series $$RLC$$ circuit at resonance, the magnitude of the voltage developed across the capacitor
Questions Asked from Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis (Marks 1)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE EE Subjects
Electric Circuits
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Electrical Machines
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power System Analysis
Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Power Electronics