GATE EE 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The Fourier transform $$X(\omega)$$ of the signal $$x(t)$$ is given by
$$X(\omega ) = 1$$, for $$|\omega | < {W_0}$$
$$ = 0$$, for $$|\omega | > {W_0}$$
Which one of the following statements is true?
GATE EE 2017 Set 1
Consider $$$g\left(t\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{l}t-\left\lfloor t\right\rfloor,\\t-\left\lceil t\right\rceil,\end{array}\right.\left.\begin{array}{r}t\geq0\\otherwise\end{array}\right\}$$$ where $$t\;\in\;R$$
Here, $$\left\lfloor t\right\rfloor$$ represents the largest integer less than or equal to t and $$\left\lceil t\right\rceil$$ denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to t. The coefficient of the second harmonic component of the Fourier series representing g(t) is _________.
Here, $$\left\lfloor t\right\rfloor$$ represents the largest integer less than or equal to t and $$\left\lceil t\right\rceil$$ denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to t. The coefficient of the second harmonic component of the Fourier series representing g(t) is _________.
Your input ____
GATE EE 2014 Set 1
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
For a periodic square wave, which one of the following statements is TRUE?
GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The fourier series expansion $$$f\left(t\right)\;=\;a_0\;+\;\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n\cos\;n\omega t\;+\;b_n\sin\;n\omega t$$$ of the periodic
signal shown below will contain the following nonzero terms

Questions Asked from Continuous Time Periodic Signal Fourier Series (Marks 1)
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GATE EE Subjects
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power Electronics
Power System Analysis
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Digital Electronics
Electrical Machines
Electric Circuits