MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Let R and S be two relations with the following schema
I. $$\Pi_P \left(R \bowtie S\right)$$
II. $$\Pi_P \left(R\right) \bowtie \Pi_P\left(S\right)$$
III. $$\Pi_P \left(\Pi_{P, Q} \left(R\right) \cap \Pi_{P,Q} \left(S\right) \right)$$
IV. $$\Pi_P \left(\Pi_{P, Q} \left(R\right) - \left(\Pi_{P,Q} \left(R\right) - \Pi_{P,Q} \left(S\right)\right)\right)$$
R (P, Q, R1, R2, R3)
S (P, Q, S1, S2)
Where {P, Q} is the key for both schemas. Which of the following queries are equivalent?I. $$\Pi_P \left(R \bowtie S\right)$$
II. $$\Pi_P \left(R\right) \bowtie \Pi_P\left(S\right)$$
III. $$\Pi_P \left(\Pi_{P, Q} \left(R\right) \cap \Pi_{P,Q} \left(S\right) \right)$$
IV. $$\Pi_P \left(\Pi_{P, Q} \left(R\right) - \left(\Pi_{P,Q} \left(R\right) - \Pi_{P,Q} \left(S\right)\right)\right)$$
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following relation schemas :
Пc-name (σb-city = “Agra” ⋀ bal < 0 (branch $$ \Join $$ (account $$ \Join $$ depositor))
b-Schema = (b-name, b-city, assets)
a-Schema = (a-num, b-name, bal)
d-Schema = (c-name, a-number)
Let branch, account and depositor be respectively instances of the above schemas. Assume that account and depositor relations are much bigger than the branch relation.
Consider the following query:Пc-name (σb-city = “Agra” ⋀ bal < 0 (branch $$ \Join $$ (account $$ \Join $$ depositor))
Which one of the following queries is the most efficient version of the above query ?
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the relation employee(name, sex, supervisorName) with name as the key, supervisorName gives the name of the supervisor of the employee under consideration. What does the following Tuple Relational Calculus query produce?
$$\eqalign{ & \{ e.name\,|\,employee(e) \wedge \cr & (\forall x)[\neg employee(x) \vee \cr & x.\sup ervisorName \ne e.name\, \vee \cr & x.sex = 'male']\} \cr} $$4
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider a selection of the form σA ≤ 100(r), where r is a relation with 1000 tuples. Assume that the attribute values for A among the tuples are uniformly distributed in the interval [ 0, 500 ]. Which one of the following options is the best estimate of the number of tuples returned by the given selection query?
Questions Asked from Relational Algebra (Marks 2)
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GATE CSE 2024 Set 2 (1)
GATE CSE 2019 (1)
GATE CSE 2018 (1)
GATE CSE 2015 Set 2 (1)
GATE CSE 2014 Set 3 (1)
GATE CSE 2014 Set 2 (1)
GATE CSE 2012 (3)
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GATE CSE 2004 (1)
GATE CSE 2001 (1)
GATE CSE 1998 (1)
GATE CSE 1996 (1)
GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages