GATE EE 1997
A $$5MVA$$, $$11kV$$, $$3$$-phase star connected alternator is synchronized to the bus bars and is operating with an induced $$EMF$$ of $$125\% $$ of the rated voltage. If the load current is $$500$$ $$A,$$ what is the power factor of operation? The machine has a synchronous reactance of $$5\,\,\Omega $$ and negligible resistance per phase.
GATE EE 1996
The per unit voltage of two synchronous machines connected through a lossless line are $$0.95\,\,\angle \,{10^0}\,\,$$ and $$1.0\,\,\angle \,{0^0}\,\,$$. Match the two sides in the following
$$(a)$$ Real power of Machine $$1$$
$$(b)$$ Reactive power of machine $$1$$
$$(c)$$ Power factor of Machine $$1$$
$$(a)$$ Real power of Machine $$1$$
$$(b)$$ Reactive power of machine $$1$$
$$(c)$$ Power factor of Machine $$1$$
$$(P)$$ Positive real power
$$(Q)$$ Positive reactive power
$$(R)$$ Negative real power
$$(S)$$ Negative reactive power
$$(T)$$ Leading power factor
$$(U)$$ Lagging power factor
GATE EE 1995
The distribution factor for a $$36$$ slot stator with three-phase, $$8$$-pole winding, having $${120^ \circ }$$ phase Spread, is _________
GATE EE 1992
Figure depicts the load characteristics of an constant speed. Match the following sets of operating conditions with the given characteristics. Disregard the effects of saliency, saturation and stator resistance.
$$(a)$$ Constant excitation and non-zero leading power-factor
$$(b)$$ Constant excitation and zero power-factor, leading
$$(c)$$ Constant terminal voltage and zero power-factor, leading
$$(d)$$ Constant terminal voltage and non-zero leading power-factor

Questions Asked from Synchronous Machines (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE EE Subjects
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power Electronics
Power System Analysis
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Digital Electronics
Electrical Machines
Electric Circuits