GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A solar energy installation utilize a three – phase bridge converter to feed energy into power system through a transformer of $$400V/400 V,$$ as shown below. The energy is collected in a bank of $$400$$ $$V$$ battery and is connected to converter through a large filter choke of resistance $$10\Omega $$.

The $$kVA$$ rating of the input transformer is
GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The input voltage given to a converter is
$${V_i} = 100\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t} \right)\,\,V$$
The current drawn by the converter is
$${i_i} = 10\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t - {\pi \over 3}} \right)\,\, + 5\sqrt 2 $$
$$\sin \left( {300\pi t + {\pi \over 4}} \right)\,\, + \,\,2\sqrt 2 \,\,\sin \left( {500\pi t - {\pi \over 6}} \right)A$$
$${V_i} = 100\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t} \right)\,\,V$$
The current drawn by the converter is
$${i_i} = 10\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t - {\pi \over 3}} \right)\,\, + 5\sqrt 2 $$
$$\sin \left( {300\pi t + {\pi \over 4}} \right)\,\, + \,\,2\sqrt 2 \,\,\sin \left( {500\pi t - {\pi \over 6}} \right)A$$
The input power factor of the converter is
GATE EE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The input voltage given to a converter is
$${V_i} = 100\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t} \right)\,\,V$$
The current drawn by the converter is
$${i_i} = 10\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t - {\pi \over 3}} \right)\,\, + 5\sqrt 2 $$
$$\sin \left( {300\pi t + {\pi \over 4}} \right)\,\, + \,\,2\sqrt 2 \,\,\sin \left( {500\pi t - {\pi \over 6}} \right)A$$
$${V_i} = 100\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t} \right)\,\,V$$
The current drawn by the converter is
$${i_i} = 10\sqrt 2 \,\,\,\sin \,\,\,\left( {100\pi t - {\pi \over 3}} \right)\,\, + 5\sqrt 2 $$
$$\sin \left( {300\pi t + {\pi \over 4}} \right)\,\, + \,\,2\sqrt 2 \,\,\sin \left( {500\pi t - {\pi \over 6}} \right)A$$
The active power drawn by the converter is
GATE EE 2009
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The circuit shows an ideal diode connected to a pure inductor and is connected to a purely sinusoidal $$50$$ $$Hz$$ voltage source. Under ideal condition the current waveform through the indicator will look like

Questions Asked from Single and Three Phase Rectifier (Marks 2)
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GATE EE 2011 (4)
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GATE EE Subjects
Electric Circuits
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Electrical Machines
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power System Analysis
Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Power Electronics