GATE EE 2002
In fig, the ideal switch $$S$$ is switched on and off with a switching frequency $$f = 10 kHz.$$ The switching time period is $$\,T = {t_{ON}} + t{}_{off} = 100\,\,\mu s.$$ The circuit is operated in steady state at the boundary of continuous and discontinuous conduction, so that the inductor current i is as shown in Fig.P20. Find

(a) The on-time $${t_{ON}}$$ of the switch
(b) The value of the peak current $${{\rm I}_p}$$

GATE EE 2001
A voltage commutated thyristor chopper circuit is shown in fig. The chopper is operated at $$500$$ $$Hz$$ with $$50\% $$ duty ratio. The load takes a constant current of $$20A$$
(a) Evaluate the circuit turn off time for the main thyristor $$T{h_1}$$
(b) Calculate the value of inductor $$L,$$ if the peak current through the main thyristor $$Th,$$ is limited to $$180$$% of the load current.
(c)Calculate the maximum instantaneous output voltage of the chopper

GATE EE 2000
A $$dc$$ motor with armature resistance $${R_a}$$
is fed from a step down chopper in the
continuous mode, and operates at some known speed and known excitation current. The motor current rises from $${I_{\min }}\,\,$$ to $${I_{\max }}\,\,$$ in the $${T_{on}}$$ period Ton of the chopper; and drops from $${I_{\max }}\,\,$$ to $${I_{\min }}\,\,$$ in the $${T_{off}}$$ period Toff of the same circuit. Both the rise and fall of the current may be assumed to be approximately linear.
What is the average power loss in the machine armature?
Questions Asked from Choppers and Commutation Techniques (Marks 5)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE EE Subjects
Electric Circuits
Electromagnetic Fields
Signals and Systems
Electrical Machines
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude
Power System Analysis
Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Analog Electronics
Control Systems
Power Electronics