GATE CSE 2015 Set 1
Consider the following C program segment.
while(first <= last)
if (array[middle] < search)
first = middle + 1;
else if (array[middle] == search)
found = TRUE;
else last = middle - 1;
middle = (first + last)/2;
if (first > last) notPresent = TRUE;
The cyclomatic complexity of the program segment is ________.Your input ____
GATE CSE 2015 Set 3
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider three software items: Program-$$X,$$ Control Flow Diagram of Program-$$Y$$ and Control Flow Diagram of Program-$$Z$$ as shown below

The values of McCabe’s Cyclomatic complexity of Program-$$X,$$ Program-$$Y,$$ and Program-$$Z$$ respectively are
GATE CSE 2015 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Which one of the following assertions concerning code inspection and code walk-through is true?
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The procedure given below is required to find and replace certain characters inside an input character string supplied in array $$A.$$ The characters to be replaced are supplied in array $$oldc,$$ while their respective replacement characters are supplied in array $$newc.$$ Array $$A$$ has a fixed length of five characters, while arrays $$oldc$$ and $$newc$$ contain three characters each. However, the procedure is flawed. void find_and_replace (char $$^ * A,$$ char $$^ * oldc,$$, char $$^ * newc$$)
$$\left\{ \, \right.$$ for (int $$i=0; i<5; i++$$)
for (int $$j=0; j<3; j++$$)
if ( $$A$$ [ $$i$$ ] $$==oldc$$ [ $$j$$ ] $$A$$ [ $$i$$ ]
$$=newc$$ [ $$j$$ ]; $$\left. \, \right\}$$
$$\left\{ \, \right.$$ for (int $$i=0; i<5; i++$$)
for (int $$j=0; j<3; j++$$)
if ( $$A$$ [ $$i$$ ] $$==oldc$$ [ $$j$$ ] $$A$$ [ $$i$$ ]
$$=newc$$ [ $$j$$ ]; $$\left. \, \right\}$$
The procedure is tested with the following four test cases;
& \left( 1 \right)\,\,\,oldc = ''abc'',\,\,newc\, = \,''dab'' \cr
& \left( 2 \right)\,\,\,oldc\, = \,''cdc'',\,\,newc\, = \,''bed'' \cr
& \left( 3 \right)\,\,\,oldc\, = \,''bca'',\,newc\, = \,''cda'' \cr
& \left( 4 \right)\,\,\,oldc\, = \,''abc'',\,newc\, = \,''bac'' \cr} $$
If array $$A$$ is made to hold the string $$''abcde'',$$ which of the above four test cases will be successful is exposing the flaw in this procedure?
Questions Asked from Software Engineering (Marks 2)
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GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages