MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
What is the missing number in the following sequence?
GATE CSE 2015 Set 1
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question.
(I) Each step is $${3 \over 4}$$ foot high.
(II) Each step is 1 foot wide.
If two floors in a certain building are 9 feet apart, how many steps are there in a set of stairs that extends from the first floor to the second floor of the building?
Statements:(I) Each step is $${3 \over 4}$$ foot high.
(II) Each step is 1 foot wide.
Questions Asked from Logical Reasoning (Marks 1)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages