GATE CSE 2024 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
What is the output of the following C program?
#include <studio.h>
int main() {
double a[2]={20.0, 25.0}, *p, *q;
p = a;
q = p + 1;
printf("%d,%d", (int)(q - p), (int)(*q - *p));
return 0;}
GATE CSE 2021 Set 2
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following ANSI C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node{
int value;
struct Node ⋆next;};
int main(){
struct Node ⋆boxE, ⋆head, ⋆boxN; int index = 0;
boxE = head = (struct Node ⋆) malloc (sizeof(struct Node));
head -> value = index;
for (index = 1; index <=3; index++){
boxN = (struct Node ⋆) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
boxE -> next = boxN;
boxN -> value = index;
boxE = boxN; }
for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
printf("value at index %d is %d\m", index, head -> value);
head = head -> next;
printf("value at index %d is %d\n", index + 1, head -> value);}}
Which one of the statement below is correct about the program ?
Consider the following C program:
The output of the above C program is _____.
#include < stdio.h >
int main()
int a[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} ;
int i, sum = 0, *b = a + 4 ;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sum = sum + (*b - i) - *(b - i) ;
printf ("%d\n", sum) ;
return 0 ;
The output of the above C program is _____.
Your input ____
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following C program:
#include< stdio.h >
void fun1(char *s1, char *s2){
char *tmp;
tmp = s1;
s1 = s2;
s2 = tmp;
void fun2(char **s1, char **s2){
char *tmp;
tmp = *s1;
*s1 = *s2;
*s2 = tmp;
int main(){
char *str1 = "Hi", *str2 = "Bye";
fun1(str1, str2); printf("%s %s ", str1, str2);
fun2(&str1, &str2); printf("%s %s", str1, str2);
return 0;
The output of the program above isQuestions Asked from Pointer and Structure in C (Marks 2)
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GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages