MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Suppose we are given n keys, m has table slots, and two simple uniform hash functions h1 and h2. Further suppose our hashing scheme uses h1 for the odd keys and h2 for the even keys. What is the expected number of keys in a slot?
Consider a double hashing scheme in which the primary hash function is
h1(k)=k mod 23, and the secondary hash function is h2(k)=1+(k mod 19).
Assume that the table size is 23. Then the address returned by probe 1 in the probe sequence (assume that the probe sequence begins at probe 0) for key value k=90 is _______.
h1(k)=k mod 23, and the secondary hash function is h2(k)=1+(k mod 19).
Assume that the table size is 23. Then the address returned by probe 1 in the probe sequence (assume that the probe sequence begins at probe 0) for key value k=90 is _______.
Your input ____
GATE CSE 2015 Set 3
Given a hash table $$𝑇$$ with $$25$$ slots that stores $$2000$$ elements, the load factor $$\alpha $$ for $$𝑇$$ is ____________ .
Your input ____
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following two statements:
i. A hash function (these are often used for computing digital signatures) is an injective function.
ii. encryption technique such as DES performs a permutation on the elements of its input alphabet.
Which one of the following options is valid for the above two statements?
i. A hash function (these are often used for computing digital signatures) is an injective function.
ii. encryption technique such as DES performs a permutation on the elements of its input alphabet.
Which one of the following options is valid for the above two statements?
Questions Asked from Hashing (Marks 1)
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GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages