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The quiescent collector current Ic, of a transistor is increased by changing resistance. As a result
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Each transistor in the Darlington pair (see Fig. below) has hfe = 100. The overall hfe of the composite transistor negle
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The amplifier circuit shown below uses a compostie transistor of a MOSFET and BIPOLAR in cascade. ALL capacitance are la
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The transistor in the amplifier shown below has following parameters: $$${h_{fe}}\, = \,100,\,{h_{ie}}\, = \,2k\Omega ,
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The OP-AMP shown in fig. below is ideal. $$R\, = \,\sqrt {L/C.} $$ The phase angle between V0 and Vi at $$\omega = 1/\
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The Op-Amp in the Fig below is ideal. Find the output when Vi = (1-exp($$ - \alpha t$$)) u(t). Assume the capacitor to
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The transfer function of a zero - order hold is
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The message bit sequence input to a DPSK modulator is 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1. The carrier phase during the reception of the f
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White Gaussian noise with zero mean and double - sided power spectral density $$\eta /2$$ is the input $$x(t)$$ to a lin
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A signal having uniformly distributed amplitude in the interval ( -V, +V ) is to be encoded using PCM with uniform quant
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In a digital communication system, transmissions of successive bits through a noisy channel are assumed to be independen
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A critically damped, continuous-time, second order system, when sampled, will have ( in Z domain)
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Consider a characteristic equation given by s4 + 3s3 + 5s2 + 6s + K + 10 = 0. The condition for stability is
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Consider a closed-loop system shown in fig. (a) below. The root locus for it is shown in fig. (b). The closed-loop trans
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Minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement the function, f=($$\overline X $$+$$\overline Y $$)(Z+W) is
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For the circuit shown below the output Fis given by
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The minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement the Boolean function Z=A$$\overline {B\,} $$C, assuming t
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The Boolean function A+BC is a reduced form of
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For the identity AB+$$\overline A $$ C + BC= AB + $$\overline A $$ C, The dual form is
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Implement the function $$F=\left(\overline A+\overline B\right)\left(\overline C+\overline D\right)$$ using two open col
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The circuit shown below uses TTL flip-flops. The flip-flops are triggered at the negative transitions of the clock. It i
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For the circuit shown in the figure below, sketch V0 against time. Assume that all flip-flops are reset to zero before t
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The circuit given below is a
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In a good conductor the phase relation between the tangential components of electric field Et and the magnetic field Ht
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A two - wire transmission line of characteristic impedance $$Z_0$$ is connected to a load of impedance $${Z_L}({Z_L}\, \
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Vector potential is a vector
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On either side of a charge-free interface between two media,
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For a normal mode EM wave propagating in a hollow rectangular wave guide
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The electric field E and the magnetic field H of a short dipole antenna satisfy the condition
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A rectangular waveguide with cross-section dimensions 5 cm by 3 cm is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity
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A rectangular waveguide with cross-section dimensions 5 cm by 3 cm is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity
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For a microprocessor system using I/O-mapped I/O the following statement(s) is NOT true
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A microprocessor with a 16-bit address bus is used in a linear memory selection configuration (i.e. Address bus lines ar
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In register index addressing mode the effective address is given by
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A 8bit $$\mu $$p has 16bit address bus. A 1KB memory chip is interfaced to processor as shown ib figure. The address ra
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If an impedance ZL is connected across a voltage source V with source impedance ZS, then for maximum power transfer, the
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The circuit shown below is initially in a steady state condition. At $$t = 0$$, the switch '$$S$$' is opened. (i) Deter
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Two two-port networks are connected in parallel. The combination is to be represented as a single two-port network. The
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The Laplace transform of a function f(t)u(t), where f(t) is periodic with period T, is A(s) times the Laplace transform
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The transfer function of a zero-order hold is
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Consider the system shown in the Fig.1 below. The transfer function $$Y\left( z \right)/X\left( z \right)$$ of the syst
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The output of a system is given in difference equation form as $$y\left( k \right) = \,a\,\,y\left( {k - 1} \right) + x\
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Specify the filter type if its voltage transfer function H(s) is given by H(s) = $${{K({s^2} + {\omega _0}^2)} \over {
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A signal containing only two frequency components (3 kHz and 6 kHz) is sampled at the rate of 8 kHz, and then passed th
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A signal x(t) = $$\exp ( - 2\pi Bt)\,u(t)$$ is the input to an ideal low pass filter with bandwidth B Hz. The output is
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Civil Services
UPSC Civil Service
Staff Selection Commission
Class 12